Why him?

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On the way to the hospital on Staten Island, the three guys didn't talk much. Joe had told Brian the part that he didn't hear. "He is going to be out of work for a few weeks," Brian said. Joe nodded from the passenger side. Murr was in the middle backseat. They were all worried about Sal, especially Q. Brian doesn't want to see Sal hurt. It seems like they had been driving forever, but eventually got to the hospital. Brian got out and quickly walked into the hospital with Joe and Murr following Brian. Inside the hospital, doctors and nurses walked to their left and right. It smelled clean with some food that lingered in the air. The walls were white with some paintings. Brian looked around until he saw a nurses' desk, he walked over to it. A male nurse was working on the computer then looked over and saw Brian. Joe and Murr were on either side of him. The nurse smiled. "May I help you gentlemen?" He asked. Brian nodded. "Yes, please. We are here to see Salvatore Vulcano. He was in an accident a few hours ago and was brought here," Brian said. The nurse nodded and typed on the computer to look for Sal. Once he found Sal, he told them where to find him. They thanked him and went to the elevator. Inside the elevator, Brian looked at Joe. "Does his family know?" Brian asked. Murr and Joe looked at him. "I'm sure one of our people told his parents," Murr said. Brian glanced at Murr and nodded. The doors opened and they walked out then walked down the corridor as they searched for Sal's room.

After a few seconds, they found the room, Brian looked at the door then over at Joe. "Go ahead bud. We can wait out here," Joe said. Brian sighed. "You guys can come in, too. You are his friends after all," Brian said. Joe licked his lips. "I know, but do you want some time with him since you..." Joe trailed off and looked over at Murr, who looked from Joe to Q. "What?" Murr asked. Joe rubbed his cheek and looked back at Brian. "He does not know," Joe said. Brian shook his head. Murr looked confused. "Know what?" He asked. Joe raised an eyebrow and looked over at Brian who took a deep breath and exhaled. He turned towards Murr. He rubbed his head nervously a couple of time. "Um...I am in love...with Sal," Brian said. He looked at Murr to see his reaction. Murr's eyes went wide then he put his hands over his mouth in surprise. "Oh my. Are you serious? How long?" Murr asked behind his hands. Brian smiled a little and licked his lips. "I am and since high school," He said. Murr suddenly hugged Brian who smiled and hugged Murr back. He patted Murr's back. They let go and Brian looked at Joe. "Come on. Let's see how Sal is doing," Brian said. Both nodded. Brian slowly opened the door, he slowly walked into the room with Murr and Joe following. There was a beeping noise and they saw a machine hooked up to Sal and some wires connected to him. Brian gasped and covered his mouth with both hands. He got teary eyed. Sal looked helpless laying there with his eyes closed and head to the side. He had a cast on his left arm and Brian is sure there was one on his left leg that was under the covers. Murr and Joe looked at Sal. They frowned and Joe looked over at Brian. He put his hand on his shoulder. They looked at Sal for a moment then Brian went to Sal's bedside on the right. "Oh wow. Sal...how...why? I can not believe this happened to you," Brian said. He lightly touched Sal's arm near the tattoo then sat down on the chair that was by the bed. Joe went to Sal's other side and Murr was at the end. Brian looked at Murr then over at Joe. Both looked at him. He sighed and looked over at Sal. He looked peaceful. They were silent for a while, each lost in their own thoughts. Brian closed his eyes and hung his head. He silently prayed. "I don't often do this, but right now Sal needs it. I need him to get better. Please God. I love him. I can not lose him. He has been there for me a lot and now I am here for him. Please help him get better." Murr and Joe silently prayed, too .A nurse came in and asked the two guys if they wanted chairs to sit down. "Yes please," Both said. She nodded and went to get two chairs. She brought them in, they thanked her, she nodded then checked on Sal. Brian moved so she could get to him. He went to the window and looked out. Brian took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. After the nurse left, Brian sat back down and looked at Sal. Joe sent a text to Bessy about how Sal was doing. Murr looked around the room then at his phone.

Never KnewOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora