Imagine 1: How You Met

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A/N= This story depends on who comes to get you from the motel (read to understand)


"Y/N, Wake up sweetheart, wake up!" You hear your mom call you. You get up, and go to the bathroom. As you're about to hop in the shower, your parents come in and say "Honey, we love you very much", your mom starts (you're however old you were ten years ago), your heart drops. You knew that tone. Something bad was about to happen. "Here," your mother hands you 3 things. a silver knife, a phone, and some money. Your dad starts, "Take these three things, and go to the motel down the street. Once you get there, call "Sam/Dean/Castiel" Can you do that?" Tears began streaming down your face as you nodded. You grab a jacket, your shoes, and your backpack, and head to the motel down the street. As soon as you get there, you check in. The clerk wasn't paying attention to you. The clerk threw the key at you, and you got to your room. You look back at your house and it was engulfed in flames. You started to cry even harder. You remember your dad giving you the phone, so you look in the contact list, and call this "Sam/Dean/Castiel person" The conversation went down like this.

Phone conversation with Dean: Hello?
You: (in tears) hello, is this dean
Dean: Yes, and can i ask who you are?
You: My name is Y/N Y/L, and my mom, Y/M/N told me to call you.
Dean: Oh, good ol Y/M/N! How is she.
You: Well She and my Dad and my- *you remember your baby brother/sister and start sobbing loudly*
little sister/brother are dead. My mom got me out before the fire started.
Dean: Oh that's horrible. How old are you
You: (how old you were ten years ago)
Dean: Wow, you're young. Ok, where are you
You: The midnight owl motel in Lawrence, Kansas (see what i did there) room 26
Dean: Ok, stay right there, i'll come get you.
*end of phone conversation*

Phone conversation with Sam:
You:*In tears* Hello is this Sam?
Sam: Yes, and who are you? are you alright?
You: No, i'm not. My whole family just burned alive!
Sam: Oh, i'm sorry to hear that. Are you ok?
You: As can be expected, but you already asked me that.
Sam: Ok, where are you? I'm coming to get you.
You: Wait, and you are exactly?
Sam: I'm a hunter. A good friend of your dad
You: Ok, i'm at the Midnight Owl motel in Lawrence, Kansas.
Room 26.
Sam:Ok, stay right there, i'm coming to get you.
*end of phone conversation*

Phone Conversation with Castiel:
Cas: Hello? Who is speaking
You: *in tears* Hello is this Castiel?
Cas: Yes this is Castiel, and may i ask who you are?
You: My name is Y/N, and my mom told me to call you?
Cas:And who is your mom?
You: Her name is Y/M/N.
Cas: Oh that's right. We use to be good friends. Is she alright?
You: No, She along with my whole family are burning alive as we speak
Cas: Oh, Where are you? I'm coming to get you.
You: The Midnight Owl Motel in Lawrence Kansas. Room 26
*end of Phone Conversation with Castiel*

A/N= i'm making these super short and to the point.

You waited on the Motel Bed crying, until you heard a knock on your door.

You open the door, and swing your knife. Sam/Dean/Castiel easily sidestepped the blade. "Nice swing, but try harder if you want to do any damage," Sam/Dean/Castiel says with a smile. You smile back. You could tell you were going to get along fine. They explain to you about monsters and demons and hunting, and offer to take you in. You accept, and
Dean/Sam drives you back to the bunker
Cas: Flies you back to the bunker.

A/N= Ok, this is my first imagine! Do you like it? Should i be more descriptive? Anyway, thank you for reading :)

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