Attention Part 1(Dean X Reader)

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Second Person POV
You and Sam were in the library. Sam was reading his favorite book, and you were researching werewolves.
Dean walked in, glancing at the pile of books around you. He wanted your undivided attention, but he knew better than to interrupt your reading. He walked over and kissed you on the cheek. He wrapped his arms around your neck and started kissing your face. You pushed him off. You loved his affection, but you needed to find this werewolf. It was going after children. Dean understood how important this was to you, but he accepted the fact that you guys had to wait until the next attack-you didn't. "Dean, this is very important to me." You replied, glaring for a second then reverting your eyes back to your book. "Y/N, there's-" Dean started to say, but trailed off by a look from Sam. Dean rolled his eyes, and stomped to the kitchen to grab beer from the fridge. He angrily opened the bottle and drank from it shaking his head. He plopped down at the table and put his feet up. "Dean, I need he- what's wrong?" Castiel asked, walking in the kitchen. "Y/N's ignoring me." Dean replied. "Isn't she researching that werewolf tha-" "Yeah Cas," Dean replied. "You know that this is-" "Yes Cas." "So you unders-" "Yes I do. What your point?" "If you keep interrupting me, I'll never get there." Cas replied.
"Maybe, it's not about the werewolf, maybe it's about the fact that you don-" "Don't you dare say I don't care." Dean said, a little louder than normal. "Dean, let me finish. You seem to act like you don't care." Cas said, sitting down across from Dean. "How do I show her I do care? The werewolf is a pro, even Sam can't track that thing. Research won't help, we have to wait until it strikes again. She doesn-" "She can't accept it, Dean. You know her entire family was slaughtered by werewolves." Cas urged. Dean nodded sadly. He remembered that day. He couldn't save any them. "Maybe we can find it?" Cas suggested, knowing that he would decline. "Yeah...yeah yeah, you can get some angels together and I can gather some hunters and we can go find it." Dean said, sarcastically. "I don't know about the angels part, but we can get another hunter..." Cas trailed off. He plastered a big smile on his face. He got up from the table and left the room. "Cas? CAS!" Dean yelled, going after him. He followed him to the garage. "Where are the keys to the impala?" Cas asked. Dean tossed him the keys. "Where are you going?" Dean asked. "Where are WE going? You'll see." Cas said with a creepy smile on his face.

They pulled up to a suburban style house. Is this..?" Dean asked. "Yep." Cas said. They got out of the Car, and headed to the front door. Cas knocked on the door. The door swung open and out popped a middle aged blonde. "Well, hello Dean!" She gave Dean a big squeeze. "Honey, who's at the door?" A lanky man came to the door. "Hiya Garth." Dean said. "How's it hanging?"

"Can you explain it to me again Dean. An untraceable werewolf?" Garth asked. Dean nodded his head. "Well, I don't know if I can help Dean. But, I'll try for Y/N." "Who's this? Your tax accountant?" Garth asked, then laughed. Dean glared at him. "I'm Castiel, angel of the lord." "A real angel?" Garth asked. "That's so cool!" "Um, Garth, the werewolf?" "Oh, right." He got up walked to the bookcase and took out a binder. "We have members of the family that have disappeared. Romulus and Remus- their twins. They joined last month. It's sad to see them go." "Wait, did you say last month? Cas asked?" "Yeah. Around the same time..." "As the disappearances." Dean finished. "What were the names again?" "Romulus and Remus" "Lets go Cas. We have a lead."

They drove back to the bunker. They burst through the door and rushed to the library where you were. "Y/N! Y/N! We have a lead on the werewolf!" Dean said, running into the table. "Where have you guys been?" You asked, raising an eyebrow. "Probably having sex." Sam said. You laughed, and gave him a high five. "Anyway, you said that you have a lead?" You asked, suddenly interested. "Yeah, we know who or at least who they are working with." "Well shoot." Sam said, intrigued. "Romulus and Remus." Dean said. "What?" "I got it!" Sam said, looking at his laptop. "Romulus and Remus are the names of the sons of the Roman goddess, Lupa." Sam said. "Hey, what's the date today?" "The 15th of February." You said. "Well, today marks the day of Lupa's festival. The Lupercalia. On this day the Luperci, priests of Lupercus, sacrificed goats and a dog at the Lupercal, smeared the blood on the foreheads of two noble youths, wiped it off with wool dipped in milk, and the youths laughed loudly." Sam said, reading. "The festival was suppose to purify the land." "So, what are dealing with some psycho goddess?" Dean asked. "Dean, she's THE goddess. She's often associated with the god, Faunus or Pan- god of the wild. She's no joke. If she's in charge of this, then...we may not stand a chance." "Do we?" Cas asked. "Maybe we should try to Faunus or Pan or whatever." You suggested. "In the old times, he was a pretty calm god. "First, we need to find out how to kill her. Lupus-" "Lupa." You corrected Dean. "Whatever." "Let me check." Sam said, typing on his laptop. "Here it is. Wolves can be killed with silver, but..." he trailed off. "What?" You asked him. "We need a silver blade dipped in children's blood."

A/N: I hope you enjoy this! I actually did research to make this plot. Anyway, if you enjoyed, why not like, comment and share. If not, why not comment why and what I can do to make it better?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2017 ⏰

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