Countless Days and Nights

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Countless Days and Nights

Countless nights I lay awake

Waiting for the day to break

For the first ray of sun

That I may see the smiling faces

Of those people dear to me

            Fly away

            Fly away

Forced to fly away

And to wait for another day

Faces streaked with tears

The last of them I’d have to see

In my memories for years

            Fly away little bird

            Fly away little bird

Countless nights I cry myself

Back into a light sleep

Homesickness wells inside, deep

Lingering there, it’ll never sleep

So I count the days I weep

            Fly away little bird, fly away home

            Fly away little bird, fly away home

Countless days have come and gone

Long sleepless nights, I’m moving on

But still, inside, it lingers

That bitter sweet loss of gentle fingers

I count the endless days before me

            Until I am back home

            I’m coming home, soon


checked my helium for the first time in like a month... I've earned 65 cents xD

so yeah, I got results for gifter and talented testing today and this counsellor lady wanted me to sign up for this one website to start planing for a college and I told her I wasn't plaing on going to one and she went off on me about how a degree is important xD  I told her not for what I want to do and she asked what and I said.... WRITING XD

She said I should get a degree and I'm like "nah, college is a back up plan, i've already sent stuff to publishers" and she made a face and just sighed and stuff.  Oh well xD  apparently she's published too and she said if I ever wanted to chat.... I should show up one day with a complete manuscript and be like "let's talk business xD"

anyways, sorry for the long rant watties, I love you guys ^^

over and out


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