Chapter 8

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*Demi's POV*

Before I left I went back to my house to clean up. I went into Vi and Mads' room and cleaned the bathroom. I was cleaning the mirror when something fell out. A blade. No. NO! Which one of them is doing it? Why?

The horn beeped signaling it was time to go. I threw it out and left.

~Seven Months Later~

I haven't forgotten about the blade. I wasn't able to talk to either of them. Today I'm bringing it up.

*Violet's POV*

I miss Demi a lot. On the bright side I asked my crush out and she said yes. You don't realize this is the happiest I've been since I can remember.

The tour is over so Demi would be over soon. I waited in the living room with Mads, Dal, and my parents. Then the door opened and everyone rushed her.

Everyone except me that is.

As soon as everyone had gotten their hug she came over to me. She wrapped her arms around my waist and she told me she loved me.

I, of course, skipped dinner claiming I was sick. After everyone ate, Demi called me and Mads upstairs. Oh no.

"So..I need to ask you guys something."

"What?" Mads and I said in unison.

" either of you guys self harm...?"

We both looked at each other.

"No!" We said.

"I found a blade...behind the mirror...please..tell me the truth."

Maddie burst into tears.

"I only did it once I swear!" She blurted out.

Demi hugged Maddie and rubbed her back.

"Do you?" She asked me.


"Can I see your arms?"

"No! I don't do it and I never will."

"Fine..but I love you Vi."

"I love you too Dems."

I can't believe I got away with that. I thought as I left the room.

*Demi's POV*

After Violet left I talked to Maddie.

"You don't do it anymore right?"

"No. I don't."

"Can I see the scars?"

She lifted her sleeve and I traced them. I kissed her wrist and hugged her.

I had suspicions about Vi but who wouldn't. She wouldn't let me see her arms so I don't really know. I can trust her..right?

*Violet's POV*

I went back to my room and hid my blades somewhere else. My girlfriend, Jessie, was coming over tomorrow. This is the first time we're hanging out and I'm so nervous. We've been going out for a month now.

I heard a knock on the door and stashed the blades under my bed in a box. I opened the door and Demi was standing there.

"Vi..can I sleep with you tonight?"

"Sure..but why?"

"I got used to sleeping with you. I had to use a pillow all tour."

"Oh. Okay." I got into the bed and laid facing the wall. I felt Demi wrap her arms around my waist and pull me closer to her. I soon fell asleep.

*Demi's POV*

As soon as she fell asleep I took the opportunity to check her wrists. I lifted up her sleeve and there were fresh cuts along with scars. I gasped and she woke up.

"Demi. What are you doing?!"


"I can't believe you."

"I just want you to be safe."

My voice broke at the end.

She bolted out of the room.

Thanks for reading!! c:

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