Prepare to be Probed

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Open up your butts, because we have arrived

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Open up your butts, because we have arrived.

Welcome to the debut issue of LAUGH ATTACK, Wattpad's humour WattZine.

Those of you who know me—me, as in MadMikeMarsbergen—know I often like to write funny stories. Depending on whether you've read the FBI dossier on me, you might know I was raised on a healthy diet of The Simpsons, Seinfeld, Malcolm in the Middle, and The Kids in the Hall, among other things. Hell, if you've been reading my diary and digging through my neighbour's garbage, you might even know that I secretly wear incredibly thin, dainty thongs to church every Sunday, just so I can feel that much closer to God, and that I bury the filthy remains beneath Phil's diapers and mouldy Pizza Hut crusts.

Okay, that last part about the crusts was made up. Phil eats Domino's.

Anyway, you might know me from Ooorah's TEVUN-KRUS, the incredibly successful sci-fi WattZine. I'm still involved with that—have been since issue two or three, depending on who's counting, and I don't see that changing anytime soon.

But maybe it's time for a new kid on the block? These backstreets of Wattpad always have room for more boys (and spicy girls).

That's why we've put together an exciting first issue for a brand-new WattZine. This one's dedicated to alien boyfriends and girlfriends. I'm sure we've all got experience with those. And if you don't, you're lucky.

If you've read a TK issue before, you'll find some familiar stuff, like the Author Spotlights. You see, to me, TK is the golden standard all WattZines should strive for. If you haven't read Tevun-Krus before, what are you waiting for? Get on over to Ooorah!

In any case, turn the page, folks. It's a really big shoe, and I hope you have a laugh attack.

Prepare to be probed.

(That was creepy, wasn't it?)

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(That was creepy, wasn't it?)

Laugh Attack #1 - My Alien BoyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now