I Love You

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Harry Potter Just got back from the hospital wing after Cedric Diggory's Death. He is now in the Gryffindor Common Room being comforted by his best friends Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley
"You sure you're alright mate?"said Ron

"Yes Ron I'm alright you can go to sleep now"said Harry

"Alright mate i'll get some sleep goodnight"said Ron

Ron then stood up and made his way up to the boys dormitories. Hermione just stayed with Harry because she knew he needed comfort.

"Come on Hermione go to sleep just leave me here" said harry

"No Harry I'm not leaving you until I know you're OK because- because I-i-well because I care about you because you are my best friend" said Hermione

After Hermione said that Harry couldn't help but feel happy and a little sad. Happy because he knows that his bestfriend cares about him and sad because she just think of him as his bestfriend. You see Harry had been in love with his Best friend since she first fixed his glasses unfortunately for him he thinks his best friend doesn't have the same feelings

"Thank you Hermione for staying with me I really need it I care about you too."said Harry
"So much" he whispered the last part so he could only hear it. fortunately Hermione heard it
"You know Harry I've been meaning to tell you something for a long time now I just don't know how or when I can say it and what happened in the Triwizard tournament made me realize that life's too short so I'm saying this to you now because I don't want to lose you because I love you"she said

Harry was caught off guard but he quickly recovered by saying
"Oh Hermione you don't know how long I've waited for you to say that to me because I love you too" he said while leaning closer to her face by now their lips are nearly touching. Hermione growing frustrated smashed her lips to his she wrapped her arms to his neck pulling him closer Harry did the same to her waist putting their bodies closer Hermione's hands found Harry's untameable hair messing it up even more if that's possible Harry's hands made their way to her curly ringlets Harry then Brought Hermione to a table not breaking the kiss setting her into a sitting position while Hermione wrapped her legs around Harry's waist Harrys tounge licked Hermiones bottom lip asking for entrance she quickly opened her mouth granting him entrance their tounges battled in dominance when they finally pulled away they stared in each others eyes green met brown
"That was uh-" Harry started but was cut off by Hermione

"I love you"they both said at the same time Hermione giggled while Harry chuckled
Lips both swollen and hair messier they bid their good nights and went to bed both thinking about each other

Hello everyone my name is Kate I'm from Philippines so my English is not that good sorry for any grammatical errors I wrote this because I love Harmione so much hope you like this book

Written: August 27,2017

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