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Not mine by:unwantermystery

Hermione's eyes were narrowed over the top of her book.

She was watching Harry talk to Ginny and she couldn't possibly focus on anything else.

The way they were laughing, she could've sworn she was leaning towards him.

Her blood was boiling and her nails were threatening to rip her book.

They were talking, but Hermione couldn't make out the words. You're pretty? I love you? She could only imagine.

Finally, Harry waved goodbye and headed over to where Hermione was sitting
In the common room look casual! Her brain screamed placing her eyes on the book.

Harry walked over to her and planted a kiss on her head
"Hello, 'Mione."

Hermione looked up at him and grabbed his hand. "Hi sweetie."

"Ginny was so funny she was telling me about her date with Dean and their waitress at The Three Broomstick. I was thinking- wanna go there for our next date night? We haven't been in a while." Harry said

Hermione grinned.

Oh yeah.

They were dating.


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