"Merlin, I sound like your mother!"

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The hum of George's laugh filled the Weasley kitchen as he watched his oldest brother's face turn as red as Ron's jumper. Bill wasn't the kind of person to get embarrassed easily, in fact the last time he was embarrassed was when Molly had walked in on him and Charlie discussing his relationship with Quinn. The sentence that had left his mouth was now a regular statement around the Weasley house when someone found an item that belonged to the dark-haired woman.

Looking around the room, both Bill and Quinn began hoping that the ground would swallow them whole. Suddenly the pair realised that their hands were still intertwined, letting go, the pair jumped back putting enough space between them while still being close. Both of them knew that they had to talk about what had just happened, but then was definitely not the time to do so.

"Mum's gonna kill you," Ron spoke as his eyes met the pool of water that had caused the entire moment to happen in the first place. Eyes widening with fear, Bill and Quinn turned to face the pool, both of them cursing into oblivion. Picking her wand up from the table, Quinn quickly pointed her wand at the water guiding it back into the washing up bowl. Turning back, Quinn looked at Harry who was now stood eyes and mouth wide open. The boy may be starting his 4th year at Hogwarts but he was still amazed at magic every so often.

"I'm Quinn by the way," Quinn smiled holding her hand out to the boy who shook it after staring at her for a moment. Internally screaming at the awful first impression she must have just had, Quinn managed to keep a straight face as she introduced herself. However, as her eyes fixed on the fact that he looked so familiar, like she had seen him before. Maybe she had, he was famous after all, but it was more like she had met him before. It was more than just appearance that was familiar to Quinn, it was his person, the way he had stood.

"I think I have met you before," Harry stated as he looked at Quinn who was stood still trying to work out where he had known her from. "You were at Diagon Alley when I was there with Hagrid. Hagrid said you were an old friend of his, an old student from Hogwarts."

"That's right," Quinn smiled. "I was coming out of Gringotts as you were going in. That must have been a while ago, I wasn't working for the ministry then."

"About 3 years."

"That makes sense," Quinn stated looking down at her shoes before looking back up and smiling. "Well it's good to see you again."

"And you."

Each of the remaining Weasleys looked at each other shocked by the fact that Quinn had ran into Harry before, when she arrived she was a complete workaholic. It looked as though she hadn't left the ministry in weeks, yet there she was having a conversation with Harry about how they ran into each other at Gringotts. However, for Quinn that had been a lifetime ago, it was before she knew how she really was seen. Back then she wasn't afraid of being seen with other people, she welcomed old friends with open arms.

Stepping forward, Bill tried to ignore the slight squelch in his step that was caused by Quinn dousing him in water from the washing up bowl. However, as he stepped closer to Harry it was more obvious. Glaring back at Quinn, Bill mouthed 'just wait' causing Quinn to raise her eyebrow innocently.

"Bill, not as much like Percy as everyone thinks," Bill chuckled causing Quinn to roll her eyes at him and the twins to snigger at the raven-haired girl's actions. "It's true, all they tell you is I work for a bank and was head boy, everyone thinks I am like Percy."

"Definitely not like Percy," Harry spoke still getting used to Bill's appearance. "In all honesty, I thought you were Charlie." At this comment Quinn let out a small laugh before clasping her hand over her mouth, her eyes still holding the laugh that was threatening to leave her mouth. "Why was that funny?"

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