Chapter 2

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The surgery had gone well, all things considered, but the injuries Starscream had sustained were extensive. The flier's systems had gone into shock and it would take at least a few days for them to reboot properly and allow Starscream to come online. Every day since the incident, Knock Out found himself in the silver mech's ward, watching the monitors and enjoying the peace and quiet he rarely got these days.

To tell the truth, he had no idea why he continued to visit the seeker. They hadn't exactly parted on good terms as his memory banks reminded him. But, despite everything that's happened, Starscream was the closest thing to a friend that Knock Out had. And now here he was again, sitting to the side of his ex-commander's berth.

The monitors beeped steadily as the red medic checked them over. Everything seemed to be in order so, with nothing else to do, he flicked on the datapad he'd brought along and scrolled the medical reports, sometimes either adding something or deleting. That was how Ratchet found him when he came in the evening for a final check-up for the day.

The red and white medic shook his helm, a small smile pulling at the corner of his lipplates. Knock Out flinched when his collegue placed a servo on his shoulderplate but instantly relaxed when he realized who it was, accepting the cube of energon that was offered to him with a grateful smile.

"You should go home, Knock Out. You're exhausted."

Ratchet advised gently as the younger mech finished the cube. Before, it had irritated the red mech. He was a decepticon and all kindness was taken for weakness. But as the years passed he found himself getting used to it.

Nodding, Knock Out got to his pedes, his joints whining slightly in protest. The door to the ward slid aside smoothly as he approached, but before he left the clinic the red medic turned around to face Ratchet once more.

"If he wakes, please inform me?"

He requested and when he received a nod from the older mech, turned away, the door sliding shut behind his retreating frame.

The red and white medic sighed, his teal optics flicking from the monitor readings to Starscream's still form.

The years had not been kind to the decepticon SIC. Scratches and dents, some fresh and some old littered his frame. Stale energon stained the cracks in his armor and joints, signaling past injuries. His helm crest was bent and twisted and one of his servos was missing a digit. It angered Ratchet.

When Cybertron was rebuilt, the newly established council made it their top priority to hunt down all the remaining decepticons, executing the high ranked and imprisoning the rest. Knock Out was only spared because Team Prime had vouched for him and even then he was still watched closely. Those decepticons that had managed to escape the council struggled to survive. Nobody wanted to employ them. The only job they could get was in the mines. It was hard work with little to no pay and awful living conditions. Many died in the mines.. Starscream must have somehow passed for a low-ranking decepticon and found work there.. Sighing, Ratchet set to repairing the cosmetic damage.

Knock Out rubbed at his optics tiredly. All he wished for now was to go and curl up in his comfortable berth and recharge. But noooooooo, he had to sit in front of his desk and work on the reports he'd have to hand in to Ratchet the next day. Paitients' profiles, injuries, prescribed treatments... All of it was driving him crazy.

When he finally finished the last report, he could barely stop himself from whooping in delight like he'd witnessed Miko do many times. Plopping heavily onto the berth, he nuzzled into the warm sheets as he waited for recharge to come. It didn't. Knock Out shifted from side to side to try and get some rest, but nothing helped. With a frustrated vent he got out of the berth. While the red medic was considering what to do, his gaze fell on his back wheels that were neatly stacked against the wall. A devilish smile slowly stretched across his face. How long had it been since he'd last raced? And Smokescreen did say something about a new track near by..

The wind whipped against his frame as Knock Out sped down the road. He couldn't help but smile happily beneath his hood. He didn't realize up till now just how much he missed this! Not bothering to slow down, the red mech transformed, skidding gracefully to a halt. For a few seconds he just stood there, enjoying the cool night air against his armor, enjoying the quietness and stillness of nighttime Iacon, void of bustling bots on the roads and in the sky.

Checking his internal chronometer, he sighed. It's time he was getting back home. Transforming, he took off with a loud screech of his tires against the metal, completely oblivious of the two green optics watching him from the shadows.

"Knock Out? Knock Out, are you there?"

Said mech groaned as he was rudely pulled out of recharge. Yawning, he slowly brought up a servo to his helm to answer the call.

"Ratchet? To what do I owe such an early call?"

He said, his voice dripping with sarcasm and smirking as his audio receiver picked up an annoyed vent.

"Starscream's coming to."

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