3-The SideChick ❤️

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Joe's POV

I knew Jack would be the first to flirt with Ellie but I didn't realise that he would do it straight away . I don't mind if them to do stuff and get together but I need to also be there for Ellie when Jack is a little bit angry !
Ellie's POV

The party started over 2 hours ago and I still have talked to Joe , he is the only one on my mind at the moment not Jack or Zoe or Anyone ! I go looking for him - I look in every room down and up stairs but I can't find him . I find myself wondering out side ; there he was but not alone ! He was there with a girl .
I start slowing walking to them trying to work out who this girl was- it then came to me it was Lucy ( my BestFriend ) . I feel nothing until joe looks at me then kisses her , it's like he doesn't care about me , I freeze


I'm setting up the loft ( the biggest room in the house ) for the special moment when Ellie hits 2 million subscribers. Me and Alfie Link my phone up to the TV so we can see her live subscriber count and I put up a couple of congratulations banners .
The moment has come , I shout for Alfie to get everyone to come up to the loft . I hear people come up stairs so I make sure everyone can sit down before I sort out myself . While everyone is coming up Ellie subscriber count is going mad , it started at 1.8 million at the start of the party but now 2 hours later it's only a couple of hundred away for 2 million ! I see  faces pop up like Oli , Tanya and Marcus but Joe , Jack and Ellie aren't coming ! I signal to Alfie that I'm going to find them .

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