Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Ashely's P.O.V

"YOU LITTLE-" They cut them self off by slapping me, kicking me, and taking the rage out on me as you can see. I'm punching bag nice to meet you! I have it worse you see, I'm the Alpha's daughter, well now Alpha's sister, read on to see what I mean. You may be thinking 'Oh god another one of THOSE STORIES' and you are right it's another one of 'THESE' stories so bear with me now


I was sitting with my parents and my big brother Tommy in the car, it broke down and we were in the middle of no where.  "stay here I'm going to try to fix it" my dad said I stayed put at the time I didn't know about werewolves because I was only 4. *GROWL* my eyes widened and my mother scurried out of the car. I looked out the window and say my mother she had a dagger of some sort and wings growing out of her back she was sinking her teeth into wolves necks but she got bit and blood started oozing out of the bite, and that's it I snapped, I opened the door over to my mother trying to get her silvery black now stained red feathers out of my way "stay away" someone growled but i was to petrified to care I heard two snaps and screams. Screams filled with sorrow, anger, worry, and most of all Love. I saw my parents on the ground, my parents were dead all because of me. Tommy came running to me and started to scream "WHY COULDN'T YOU JUST STAY IN THE CAR?" he kicked me and slapped me, red filling his eyes, tears pouring down his face, I just figured out what I am a true..Hybrid.

Flashback over*

I cowered back into the corner of the closet (my room) "GO MAKE MY DINNER BITCH" my Ex-Big Brother Tommy bellowed 'y-yes si-r-r" I pushed out and ran downstairs to prepare packs dinner which consisted of: 500 steak's, 4 pots of mash potatoes, 56 baked potatoes, and 700 cookies. None of that is for the omegas. The pack hurried down at the smell of food, once I finished cooking I called the rest of the pack that wasn't already feeding down and walked off with the omegas, I walked outside to get the training area ready for after dinner. That's when it happened it was so fast that I didn't have time to scream out in pain and agony I figured out that the true Hybrid has come out I shifted for the very first time and I'm only 14, 4 years younger than when Tommy shifted I looked at the shocked faces of the omegas, Brie threw a shirt and a pair of shorts at my face then whispered how to shift back since I was the youngest of the group I shifted back and put the clothes on over my other clothes "What the hell?" I said taking the clothes off to see only a hole in the pants, was I that small?

We ignored it then went back to setting up, we set up the front for a party bought the alcohol set that up taking out the plastic purple cups (see what i did there, no your no fun) poured the alcohol in and set them all over the table and raced back up to my closet and sat there and soon fell asleep until I heard a knock on the closet door i opened it and saw a cute girl with awesome curves and a short dress and when i say short I mean short "What the hell are you doing in here and why aren't you dressed for the party WHY THE HELL ARE YOU IN A CLOSET FOR HEAVEN SAKES GET OUT NOW" I followed every order and scurried out and stood straight in front of her "now why the fuck are you in there" she said I pushed an answer out avoiding eye contact "it's my room" she bust out laughing I shed a tear afraid she was going to hit me. Instead she stopped laughing at me and stood there dumbfounded "you're serious I thought you were doing drugs" she said and raised her hand I winced waiting for the slap but all that came was her angelic voice "sweetie what's wrong" I snapped my whole life came pouring out, and I just poured most the water from my body out crying so much, making a 'pool' on the carpet floor she held me and cooed sweet nothings into my ear calming me down.  

Tommy came storming up and slapped me "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE AND AT MY PARTY AND WHY THE HELL DID YOU HAVE TO KILL OUR PARENTS IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT YOU ARE DISTURBING MY MOMENT YOU'RE RUINING MY LIFE I HATE YOUR GUTS YOU'RE A FUCKING BITCH, A WHORE, SLUT ALL THOSE I COULD NAME FOREVER" he bellowed making everything go silent all you could hear was he choking me and banging my head against the wall finally he just threw me down the stairs and I knocked out with the impact of the wall.

Tommy's Pov (after the rant)

people came up to me congratulating me and patting me on the back while the Moonshine Pack stares at me like i'm a psycho (the same girl that was holding Ash was crying laying next to her body with a ton of the omegas around and more people from the Moonshine Pack, the ambulance and cops arrived, the ambulance took Ash and the cops to me REALLY I'M GOING TO JAIL JUST FOR THAT AND BEST PART I'M GOING TO MOONSHINE PACK CELLAR TO BE TORTURED THANK YOU MOON GODDESS JUST THANK THE FUCKING MOON GODDESS AND I THOUGHT IF I EVER MEET HER THE FIRST THING I WOULD DO WOULD BE FUCKING HER TO HER DEATH I MEAN REALLY I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME.......


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