Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I got up out of bed and got on some skinnies and a M & M shirt. I walked down the stairs to get some breakfast. I got pancakes and sat down getting ready to eat them when someone yelled out "WE ARE TRAINING TODAY CHANGE INTO COMFORTABLE CLOTHES" I groaned and walked upstairs with pancakes in hand. I went into my closet and got a baby blue sports bra and some cheer shorts, I changed and walked downstairs 'inhaling' my pancakes. What? A girl's gotta eat.


"Ok so first we are going to do some basics with Alex" Wade instructed, I nodded.

Alex threw a punch and I ducked "Good, now throw some defense punches or kicks when he punches" Alex threw another punch and I ducked kicking his feet out from under him. He landed with a big 'THUD' wow how much does he weigh? He got up dusting off his pants "This girl got swags in her" Then when he was off guard I punched him in the jaw also hitting him in the stomach swiping his feet out from under him and sitting on him.

"Who said I got swag" He and Wade were sitting there shocked.

"Wow I never thought a girl could do that." Wade admitted and Alex nodded.

"Girls Can Do Anything Guys Can Do!" I yelled into their faces and walked off.


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