Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Ashley's pov...

After I ran off the land the land I walked around trying to avoid the rogues and I got tackled by a huge white wolf. He snarled and snapped at my face finally he go out of my face and shifted putting on some shorts that someone threw to him while the others shifted back "Caroline is that you?" someone said from behind he was blonde blue eyes and tan very buff "huh my na-" I got tackled again but got tackled by Blondie he kissed me on the cheek "Oh Caroline I missed you so much" he started kissing me all over my face.

"Why did you leave me I thought you died I thought they were going to kill you in that slave home" they had to pry him off me "I'm sorry but I'm Ashley Coven" after I said that I regretted it he broke down in tears, and you know it's serious when a man is crying, I ran over to him and comforted him. After a while we got him to calm down and he hugged me "thank you I'm sorry for tackling you I thought you were Caroline" he apologized "No problem I thought it was actually cute" he blushed OMG I GOT A GUY TO BLUSH ya got Ash ya you go girl.

After I explained to them what happened my whole life up until now I got to join the pack. We walked back to the pack house and I learned their names Blondie was Conner Young the guy that first tackled me was Wade Young and the 3 people with him were Alex Henderson Brown headed Weston Henderson also twins with Alex also known as Wes he was a Black headed and the last one didn't tell me his name he just froze when I asked his name so it was left unsaid "Ash come here I'm going to show you to your room" Conner said.

I followed him, I ended up sharing a room with the twins which I didn't mind I got my own bed.

I heard some whispers and strained my hearing to hear "How can I tell her my name if i'm related to Carter" the Freezer his new name said.

"Easy, say hi my name is Jason O'dell, or you could act like you are the famous guy Jason Derulo but I doubt she would believe you" After that I screamed out of horror, I opened the window and jumped, man did that hurt, I ran towards the forest but got caught, I was limping so it was hard to run.

"shhh calm down shhh" I started shaking uncontrollably "shhh calm down princess shhh" I started calming down but it didn't last long HE was standing in front of me and I started screaming my head off and struggling to get away finally Alex let me go and I shifted in mid air using my wings for the first time and flying up.

Letting my wolf take over she growled at HIM while they just stared dumbstruck comprehending what just happened "Come down princess" Alex said my wolf came down hiding behind him still growling "shift, here" Wes said and threw me some shorts and a shirt.

I went behind a tree and shifted but stayed my wolf stayed in control and I let her, when we came out from behind she was still growling at Him walking towards Alex,Wade,Wes,and Conner "Princess can you let Ashley back in control?" Conner pleaded but my wolf way stronger "Not princess it's Amber and no I won't" she controlled me and she liked the power.

"LET ASHELY INCONTROLL AMBER" Wade said using his Alpha voice our eyes flickered, me trying to gain the control back but she stayed the same.

"She's to weak, do you want her to run off again just let me finish him, she won't be scared of him anymore, I protect her not you, you were never there to feel the pain that she felt I was the one that suffered and it was all because of her brother!" Amber paused for a breath " HER BROTHER DOING THE DEED WHILE I MADE MYSELF SUFFER AND TOOK THE PAIN AWAY FROM HER, DO YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO GIRLS THAT HAVE TO GO THROUGH THAT? I'M THE ONE THAT PROTECTED HER ALL HER LIFE SHE ACTUALLY SHIFTED FIRST DURING THE DELIVERY I JUST SHIFTED HER BACK AND WHEN SHE SAID SHE SHIFTED FOR THE FIRST TIME SHE DIDN'T I JUST WANTED OUT BUT SHE HAD TO SHIFT BACK AND I KNEW IT SO STAYED BOTTLED UP IN HER FOREVER. Let me have freedom I deserve" Amber ranted on and while she was catching her breath I gained back control.

I ran to Conner,Alex,And Wes and they did exactly what I needed they held me and comforted me while I just fell asleep in their arms.


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