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"I'm Jasmine. An irresistible red-headed bimbo who desperately needs some dick." Tyler sat next to me at the cafeteria lunch table, laughing. 

"Shut up, that's a terrible description for my dating profile. Can you be serious for one second?" I slapped his wrist. 

The smile on his face dropped, "behind you, your ex. Oh my god he's looking this way." 

"Quick do something!" I panicked. 

Tyler pulled my face towards his and kissed me. 

"Tyler, that's not what I bloody meant. Everyone and their mother knows that you're as gay as they come." I rolled my eyes. 

He started grinning, "yeah well it worked. Your dickhead ex stopped looking."  

"Whatever," I laughed, "do you know what you're gonna wear to the party tonight?" 

"Yeah, I'm gonna wear my favourite pencil skirt from Gucci." 

I glared at him for a second, waiting for a real answer, "Tyler, I'm being serious. I have no idea how to dress for the occasion." 

"Oh yeah trust me, I know that. Remember when you turned up to that fancy birthday meal once wearing leggings and a hoodie whilst everyone else was in dresses and suits? I think the host was mortified." 

"I think I was mortified, that was so embarrassing." 

"But comfy." he winked at me.

"Okay but for real, what are you gonna wear?" 

"What I always wear - some jeans and a fitted top. Gotta show this body off to the boys somehow." he chuckled. 

"Good call." 

"If you want, I can help you get ready tonight. I've been watching a lot of fashion shit online lately. Did you know you can use makeup to enhance your tatas?" 

"That doesn't surprise me, people do the same with makeup to their face." 

"I know, and we're gonna do both to you for tonight's party." 

"Excuse me? You're not going anywhere near my 'tatas' - the puppies are staying in for the night." 

"Jasmine, Jasmine, Jasmine." he tutted, "you honestly can't imagine yourself going to one of the biggest parties of the school semester without showing at least a lot of skin, can you?"  

"Yes I can. I'm not some sort of slut." 

Tyler raised his eyebrows as though those words shocked him, and he began slurping out of his apple juice straw. "Honey, with the things you've told me in the past.. yikes!" 

"Yeah but those were done whilst I was in relationships. You can't talk anyway, have you forgotten that school trip to France? Foreign exchange student? More like foreign exchange sex." 

"Please. You're telling me if you 'accidentally' walked in on some sexy french boy taking his top off that you also wouldn't 'accidentally' pounce on him like some sort of animal?" 

"Okay, you have a fair point there." 

"I know I do." 

The school bell rang, and me and Tyler headed off for the last class - maths. Maths was always an interesting class with Tyler around. He sat beside me, and we frequently passed each other notes or whispered to the best of our ability. But the maths teacher was an ass, and more often than not me and Tyler would end up getting detention. Speaking of which, we got a detention for next Monday. But that was the least of my worries; I couldn't stop thinking about tonight. I'm not a big party person, I prefer having some sort of adventure out and about rather than getting drunk with a bunch of pricks from school. But such is life, I can't seclude myself forever. 

When class ended, me and Tyler both walked out of school together. We always rotated who's house we were gonna go to each night. One day it'll be mine, and the next his, then mine and so on. Tonight we were headed to his house. I loved walking to Tyler's house. In order to get there, we had to take a short cut through a small patch of woods, which was always refreshing. Although sometimes it's a little risky, cause a lot of drug users like going there after school to get their fix. Oh well. This time, we got through without any trouble. 

We got upstairs to his room and straight away we were prepared to get ready. "Okay, if you wanna pull some hotties tonight, you're gonna have to ditch the hoodie for a day." Tyler elbowed me. 

"Whatever you say fashionista." 

"And by that, I mean you need to let them babies breathe. I heard its good for men to look at cleavage for at least ten minutes a day anyway." 

"I'm not sure Tyler, this isn't something I'm used to." 

"There's a first time for everything. Besides it's not like you're gonna be butt naked in front of these people. Now, let me find one of your more sexier tops in my wardrobe seeing as you practically fucking live here and leave all your shit at my house." 

"Thanks Tyler, you're a big help honestly." 

"And while we're at it, I'm just gonna ask straight up - have you shaved yanno where?" 

"Not that anyone's gonna see it, but yes. I have." 

"You keep telling yourself that no one's gonna see it tonight, delusional little princess." he laughed, and then threw me a silky top that was made out of barely any material. 

"Um, what's this? This top is about the size of a pair of knickers." 

"Don't be stupid. Take your clothes off and put it on, I'm gonna find you some super hot slim black jeans now. You're gonna look extra spicy tonight!" 

"Whatever you say." I done as he said and proceeded to take my top off in order to put on the top that he picked out. When I was done taking my first top off, I caught him looking directly at me. "Are you staring at me getting undressed?" I snapped. 

"What?" he looked up at me in the eyes, "no sorry I was just.. daydreaming." he then handed me the jeans. 

I finished getting dressed into the outfit he picked out, and of course I looked like the biggest slut in school. "Tyler, I can't go dressed like this!" I cried. 

"Stop being a pussy, of course you can go dressed like that. You look hot hot hot baby." he crossed the room to grab my makeup bag. "Now, time for some minor enhancements." 

"Minor?" I laughed. 

"Okay, major. It is a party I guess." 

"Alright, but you're still not going near my tatas." 

"Bitch, I've seen you naked before when we went skinny dipping in a lake." 

"Tyler, that's different. It was only for a brief second." 

"I still saw them. Now I'm gonna put some makeup on your tits. It's either that or you're gonna go dressed to this party in a hotdog suit. It's one or the other." 

"A hotdog actually sounds pretty delicious right now." I chuckled.

"Yeah well that's not the kind of delicious that you need to look like tonight." he snarled at me.

"Fine. Do what you have to do. I'm trusting you with these, if you do anything wrong like make them look lop sided then I get a free slap in the face for you." 

"Deal baby." he winked at me. 

A good hour later he was finished with all of the makeup, including the makeup on my cleavage - and when I looked in the mirror I was shocked. I could barely recognise myself. I have to hand it to him, Tyler was an absolute pro at makeup, which always came in handy because I was close to fucking useless at it. Trust Tyler to make me look like a model on a night out. All that was  left to do was for Tyler to get ready himself. He plucked his eyebrows and put some gel through his hair before getting dressed into his usual party clothes. The tops he wore always seemed to really suit him. And of course, the sleeves were always tight around his biceps - the boy was crazy about his fitness. 

His mum gave us a quick meal before we left, and also handed us a bottle of vodka to share together for the party. What's a party without being drunk, right? As if anything can go wrong when you mix teenagers with alcohol. 

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