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Party time! As soon as me and Tyler arrived to the venue, we took a few shots and continued on our merry way. The host of the party? Daniel Sharman. Rumoured to also be one of the gayest guys in our school. And of course, with Tyler being gay himself, his eyes were set on the prize. The only issue however; Daniel was one of the most popular guys ever, Tyler on the other hand wasn't. But no worries, we had an intricate plan to get Tyler right into Daniel's pants tonight. 

Funnily enough, I happened to know an acquaintance of Daniel - Holland Roden. Me and her aren't exactly close, anymore at least. When we were younger I actually knew her pretty well. Despite her not being best buddies with Daniel, she knew him well enough to mingle with his group of friends. So the plan? Me and Tyler need to approach Holland whilst she's with Daniel. I'll say hi, do all my fake magic bullshit and start up a conversation. This in hand will give Tyler the perfect opportunity to sweep Daniel off of his feet and straight into the bedroom. Sounds simple enough, right? 

"Jasmine, I don't think I'm drunk enough for this." Tyler began getting flustered, as he downed another shot. 

"You're telling me. Look, it's gonna be fine. I can see them now. Oh. For fuck sake-" 

"What? What's wrong?" Tyler looked at me in concern. 

"Dylan is also with them. Fuck, why can't he pissing die already!" 

"God sake, I swear your ex ruins everything. We need to make him go away somehow." 

"And how are we going to do that?" I asked. 

"Hmm.." Tyler took a moment to look around the room for ideas, "do you still have his number?"

"Yeah, why?" 

"Perfect. We'll create a distraction, something to make him go away for a moment. I'll get my phone out, type in his number and shoot him a few texts." 

"Saying what, exactly?" 

"Well, considering your ex is a total man whore, I'll text him pretending to be some sort of girl. I'll tell him to meet me in the bathroom or some shit." 

"That could work, alright, give it a go." 

I gave Tyler the number of Dylan Sprayberry, my ex. It took him only a few mere seconds to think of what he was going to say; 'hey dylan babe, been keeping my eye on you for a while now. you're super hot. come to the bathroom and let me show you what it's all about ;)' 

We looked up across  the room and saw Dylan quickly whisper into Daniel's ear, before leaving in what we imagine is the direction of the toilet. Perfect time now to intervene and get Tyler a juicy slice of Daniel. I approached first with Tyler closely following behind. On our way, we took another shot just for precautions. 

"Hey! Holland, oh my god is that you!?" I squealed. 

"What? Jasmine! I haven't seen you in so long, my goodness. How are you?" 

"I'm great thank you, how are you?" we engaged in a hug together. 

"I'm good too. You look absolutely amazing tonight! And who's this little gem you bought here with you?" 

"Oh, this is Tyler." 

Tyler greeted both Holland and Daniel, and Holland continued speaking, "well, isn't this Tyler a handsome looking man." 

"He's gay. Gay as fuck." I smiled, and then resumed drinking out of my red cup that was full of wine. 

Daniel raised his eyebrows and looked Tyler up and down, "I have nothing against that." he said.

99% Gay - Tyler PoseyWhere stories live. Discover now