2| The source of the problem

48 4 14

I sat down on my seat, ignoring all my surroundings and placed my bag on my lap then tugged on the zip.

Spilling all of the books I needed onto my desk, I smiled to myself.

It was Aleisha McAdams' birthday today. She was a very social girl and was friends with everyone, she never had a stable best friend because even if she wanted one, she was very social and had so many friends to keep up with.

You'd never see her without someone.
But never with the same person.

And she made the best delicious Birthday cake every year.

"OKAY CLASS 13A SETTLE DOWN!" Our teacher for the hour Miss Brewers shouted once shutting the door.

Everyone started to settle down and Miss Brewers eyed our class, or rather the empty seat next to me.

"Ayla where is Miss Crossers," she asked me.

Jenny Crossers was my best friend, not too loud but definitely not too quiet, but also named the kindest girl in class.
She was incredibly kind and brought out the loud in me when we were alone together.

I flushed when everybody started looking at me, I hated attention, "She's got a bad cold," I said quietly.

Miss Brewers barely heard me, but to her advantage, my place was on the front row.

"Oh well tell her that I hope she gets well soon," Miss said, smiling at me.

I nodded silently.

"Okay class now turn to pa-" Miss said but suddenly stopped when observing the classroom.

"Where have the rest of the class gone," She said, looking at the empty seats, directing the question ... to anyone who would answer it.

"Half of the class who forgot to go to club last Monday had to make up for it by cleaning the streets yesterday," Hannah Carlos said, "And as you know it snowed heavily yesterday so therefore all of them are sick," she said casually and bored, twirling a strand of her glossy brown hair looking at Miss with her light green eyes.

Hannah Carlos is popular.
Very popular.
When in year 9, all the sixth formers knew her name, when in year 10 she was advised to make her own Instagram account and post frequent pictures of herself by a model manager who saw her walking on the streets.
Now 4 years later, she has been asked to model in major brands.

She's not globally well known, yet.

But does model a lot.

I think it was her green eyes that caught you, it was inbetween the colour yellow and light green, very opaque and unlike a normal green eye.

It was beautiful.

"Thank you Miss Carlos," Miss Brewers said, nodding at her once.

"Now as I was sayi-" Miss started but got cut off by a door opening.

"Sorry I'm late Miss," Jason Adams said with a lazy smile, "I overslept," he said but not before giving a big, loud, yawn.

Miss Brewers raised an eyebrow and sighed, "Sit down Jason," she said.


She didn't say Mr Adams.

I think she said Jason because she was just tired at the fact that he was late every lesson and didn't bother addressing him like she usually does.

Jason Adams was everyone's dream boy, funny, smart-ish, adorable... but of course a guy like him was taken.

"Hello Hannie-Wannie," Jason cooed to his girlfriend and kissed her cheek.

You could've guessed who it was.

But the thing is, Hannah wasn't a total bîtch, of course she has had her times like many others, but she wasn't a kind popular girl or a bitchy popular girl.
She was kind of in the middle.

She gave him a forced smile - probably due to the nickname, "Hey Jay," she replied, barely giving him eye contact.

No words were said after that.


"I'm only one call away, I'll be here t-"

"Mark Sanders will you stop, singing?" Miss Evans said, with an apologetic smile for interrupting him, "Please," she said.

To be honest, I didn't blame her.

Mark Sanders couldn't sing.

At all.

"Okay Miss," He sadly said, with puppy dog eyes.

Miss Evans looked at him, contemplating whether to resist to his puppy face or reside to her decision.

In the end she sighed and said, "You can sing Aleisha's birthday song," she said, "Only, if you finish up to Question 18," she threatened.

Though it wasn't much of a threat...

I'm no brainiac and right now I'm on Question 21.

I looked up again and didn't miss the secret smile Mark and Miss Evans gave each other.



"Happy Birthday Aleisha," I said to her with a bright smile, taking a piece of  cake she nervously eyed.

'She loved cake though' I silently thought.

I don't even want to include Mark singing in my thoughts again.
I might get a brain tumour.

I bit into the chocolate cake.

And nearly moaned over how good it was ... but it had a slight different flavour.

A bit chalky and metallic.

But I ignored it.

"Come on sis gimme some cake!" Gayle McAdams shouted at his sister, Aleisha.

"UGH FINE BUT YOU CANNOT BIRTHDAY PRANK ME TODAY!" She shouted, shoving the cake into his hand.

After eating the cake, Gayle shouted back when she was leaving, "NO PROMISES!" And then he laughed.

He saw me staring and winked to which I looked away, blushing.

Yeah I know that was foolish of me but it was a natural reaction.

I quickly left to go home.

Once I reached home, I silently went upstairs, not bothering to eat dinner and I smothered myself with bedsheets and pillows, unnaturally tired.


Here you go guys, hope you liked it :)

I love all of you ❤️



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