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"And Prince Raymond only likes one sugar in his tea,"

The Head Cook finished after an hour of giving me every detail of what Prince Raymond likes and dislikes.

The Cook leads me to a small room, with a small bed, with a small mirror.

"This is your room, that bell will ring when Prince Raymond needs you,"

I nod and place my bag on the floor as the Cook leaves the room.

My uniform is neatly folded on the bed, a white shirt, a black tie, black, ironed slacks and black shoes.

I pull my old clothes off and put on the new ones, the fabric is soft against my skin.

I've heard all about Prince Raymond. I've heard from all the girls in school gossiping. He had luscious, dark curls that sat perfectly on his shoulders. That he had the most beautiful brown eyes anyone had ever seen.

I sat on my bed, contemplating, when I heard the bell ring. I opened my bedroom door and began to make my way up the stairs. I stop outside a door, a small sign on the door says, Prince Raymond.

I knock quietly - I was advised to do this so as not to disturb anyone - on the door.

I hear a soft voice come from inside,

"You may come in,"

I open the door slowly. In front of me is a boy, I can't tell how tall he is as he is sitting cross-legged on his bed reading a book, his hair looks incredibly soft and is a dark brown which frames his chubby cheeks, his brown eyes so deep anyone could get lost in them. His plump lips turned up in a shy smile

"Oh hello ! You must be Michael, I'm Prince Raymond, but you can call me Ray,"

I nod and try not to stare at him or his room so I look at my feet.

He pauses and stands up in front of me, making me look up and realise how much taller than me.

"D-do you require anything of me, sir ?"

I ask, mentally cursing myself for stuttering.

"Just one thing, please, call me Ray,"

I nod once again and he motions to a chair opposite his bed.

"Would you like to sit, Michael ? I'd like to get to know you better,"

"Yes, thank you, Ray,"

I reply, my voice barely more than a whisper. I sit down and Ray sits down opposite me on the bed, his legs crossed.

I took the time to take in what he was wearing. A soft, light yellow jumper, the sleeves just going past his hands, and pale blue jeans.

"Do you have a name you would prefer I called you ?"

He asks sincerely. Like he really cares.

"Yes, Mikey, if that's okay with you,"

I murmur, trying to talk clearly.

"Of course it's okay, Mikey,"

He says while smiling brightly.

"You're not much for conversation, are you ?"

He asks rhetorically. I look up and feel my face heat up.

"I-I'm s-sorry, sir,"

I stutter. His eyes widen and and he reaches over and grabs my hands.

"No,no,no, Mikey, I didn't mean anything by it, I just think your incredibly shy is all,"

I gaze down at his hands, my face growing even more red.

"Oh ! I'm sorry, have I made you uncomfortable ?"

I shake my head, feeling Ray squeeze my hands. His hands are warm.

"No, it's okay,"

I say, clearly, which makes me proud for not stuttering. Ray smiles, getting up off the bed, still holding my hand.

"I'll leave you to unpack your things in your room, but I'll see you soon, okay ?"

Ray says, leading me to the door. I open the door, realising Ray is still holding my hand.

"I should get going, it was nice meeting you, Ray,"

I say, standing in the doorway. Ray brings my hand to his lips and kisses my hand softly.

"It was nice meeting you too Mikey, have a good afternoon,"

I nod and walk down the hall, my cheeks even more red than before.

Yay, first actual chapter !

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