Broken Heart

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She stood feet beneath the sand.

Her eyes focused on the horizon, but her mind drifting to the past.

The day her heart was broken.

It went so slowly.


Her fragile heart had shattered into many small pieces.

Similar to that of a glass cup.

The pieces were scattered across the floor.

It took so much of her to bare and she found the pain to have cut immensely deep.

She knew that one day she'd have to pick up the pieces, others had left behind.

But, she also knew that if she quickly collected them.

That a sliver of her heart would end up forming a deep wound in her skin.

So, one by one; day by day

She slowly began retrieving the pieces.

Knowing that with time she would be bonded back together.

And her once broken heart would be healed.

She was unaware that one day.

Someone would soon love her for that of which others broke her for.

So, with her feet still planted in the sand and eyes focused on the horizon.

She vowed to cherish herself, even when others would try and break her again.

And with time, that insecure and broken girl turned into a strong and beautiful woman.

to someone.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ