Trouble In Paradise

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Chester POV
I laid on Ryan's couch completely drugged out of my mind. My stomach growled, but I stayed motionless. However, I felt like I was swaying and floating. When I closed my eyes it was like I didn't even exist. I was just in a void outside of the material world.

"Oh, hey Chester. When did you get here?" Ryan asked as we walked downstairs.

"Last night. Got kicked out again." I said softly. I have my own key to Ryan's house.

"Are.....are you on something?" Ryan asked as he looked at me.

"What am I not on?"

"You do realize if my parents find out you do this shit you'll never be allowed over here again, right?"

"They'll have to catch me first."

"Don't push your luck, Chester."

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes. "I popped a bunch of Xans so, I'll be asleep soon."

"Is that all you took?"

"Not even close."

Ryan POV
I headed back upstairs quickly. Why was Chester here? I mean of course I'd always be there for him, but I expect him to at least call or something beforehand. I opened my door to find Mike already awake.

"Morning babe." He said sleepily.

"Morning, Mike. When did you wake up?"

"Just now. You really tired me out last night." Mike laughed.

"You're the one who's tired?"

"I did all the work." Mike said and I hit him with a pillow.

I laughed then laid next to him. Mike rested his head on my chest then quickly fell back asleep. I had to Chester or Mike out of the house without the other one noticing. Preferably I would get Chester to leave. I knew Mike probably wouldn't sleep for long and Chester's probably so drugged I won't be able to wake him up. I sighed then looked down at Mike.

"I'm hungry." Mike groaned.

"I can go get you something."

"It's fine, I'll get up in a minute." Mike yawned.

"Chester's downstairs." I said quietly. I knew I wouldn't be able to keep Mike from finding out.

"What the fuck?" Mike yelled.

"I didn't invite him here, okay? He just shows up sometimes. He's asleep if that helps."

"Oh thanks, Ryan. Knowing he's asleep makes me feel so much better."

"Why are you mad at me? He's my best friend, it's not like I'm gonna turn my back on him just because of the history you two have."

"Fuck off, Ryan."

"See, you don't even have a reason to be mad at me. I'll try to get him leave, but it might take awhile."

"He's here now. That's all I care about."

"I can't control the fact he showed up. He only comes here when he has nowhere to go."

"You could've gotten rid of him earlier."

I heard slight movements from the stairs, but was pulled out of it when Mike started yelling again.

"I'm trying to sleep," Chester said as he opened the door making everyone pause. "Mike." Chester said almost wanting to smile.

"Get away from me." Mike said quietly after an eternity of silence.

"Why are you here?"

"He came over while you were asleep." I said quickly. I thought Chester was starting to piece things together.

"What's it matter to you?" Mike said.

"It shouldn't, but I still care I guess."

"Fuck you, you don't care about me."

"Believe what you want, Mike. You can't run from this forever." Chester said calmly taking me by surprise.

"I don't think you should be here." I said to Chester.

"The fuck?" Chester replied. "Where do I have to go?"

"Find somewhere." Mike said sharply.

"I don't have anywhere, but I see how it is. I'll see you around, Ryan." Chester huffed.

Brad POV
"Then he fucking kicked me out." Chester ranted. He was hanging out with Rob and I. Both of us wanted to be alone, but I'd rather not have Chester on the streets.

"Wow." I said.

"Why was Mike even there?"

"I don't know."

"Ryan would have told me if he made a new friend and he never met Mike. So how does he know him?"

"Didn't they met at a party?" Rob asked.

"I don't think so." I glared at Rob.

"When," Chester said slowly. "........He's dead."

"What?" I asked quickly. Chester started clenching his jaw.

"Ryan said he met his boyfriend at a party and Ryan chose Mike over me today."

"Calm down, Chester."

"If I see Ryan I swear to god."

"Don't do anything."

"He's dating Mike."

"Mikes allowed to move on."

"It's the fact he's dating Ryan."

"Ryan could've not known you dated Mike." Rob spoke up causing Chester to look at me.

"He figured out at the concert. He was going to tell you."

"Was he waiting to grow a pair before he told me?" Chester said making me laugh.

"Chester, you can't control who Ryan or Mike dates."

"I'm not trying to, but that's my best friend," Chester sat back onto the couch. "I gotta go."

"You're not going anywhere."

"Why not?"

"Cause I know you're going to do something stupid if I let you leave."

"How are you gonna stop me?"

"I'll have Rob hold you down." I laughed making Chester smile.

"I don't doubt he could do it, you've probably given him lots of practice."

Chester POV
I spent the entire day at Brad's. I could tell I wasn't wanted there. At least Rob didn't want me there. I looked down at my phone texting Allen for the thousandth time. I guess, he's okay with his son having heroin in the house, but heaven forbid I smoke a joint in my room. I was beyond ready to move out. On my eighteenth birthday I'm moving into my own apartment.

"Can I at least sleep in my own fucking house?"


"Allen I stg."

"I'll leave in the mornings."

"I just need a place to sleep."

"Can you for once act like a parent?"


"Be home by 8."  I finally got a reply from Allen.

This chapter was like all dialogue 😂😂😂. Hope that didn't bother anybody

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