Unfamiliar Places

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Chester POV
I found Rodriguez in our cell and startled him. I didn't say anything. He knew why I was here. I tied the string around my arm as he heated the spoon. Next thing I knew I pushed the needle into my arm and I was gone. At first everything was fine then I started throwing up. I rushed off the bed and to the bathroom. Rodriguez followed after me. It took forever before I finally quit.

"Not a user, huh?" Rodriguez laughed.

"Nah, I did coke. Coke was my thing." I rasped.

"If you would've told me that I would've given you a smaller dose."

I nodded then laid on my bunk. I felt horrible. I just wanted to wake up next to Mike and realize this was just a nightmare. I'd give anything to wake up next to Mike. He's tried getting me to let him visit me, but I couldn't do that. He shouldn't have to see me in here. It's not like I even deserved him anyways.

◇ One week later ◇

I headed off to the showers as soon as I woke up. It was super early in the morning so hardly anyone was up. It was the only time I felt comfortable showering. I set my stuff down and suddenly I couldn't breathe.

Something was wrapped around my neck. I wheezed as I tried to get the thing off me and grab whoever was behind me. Then I felt a sharp kick in the back of my knee. I looked up to see McCullen and a group of other people standing over me. Then they started to beat me. My lungs burned as I was being choked and beaten up. A couple of them had a sock with what felt like a lock in them, it was too hard and heavy to be soap. One of them hit me in the ribs and I felt an unbelievably sharp pain. Things would fade to black then suddenly I'd be back in reality.

Right as I thought I couldn't take anymore it all stopped. They walked away and left me on the bathroom floor. I pulled the thing around my neck down a little bit and started gasping for air. I panted and panted, but nothing was working.

"Guard!" I heard someone yell then everything faded to black.

Mike POV
I was trying to return to a somewhat normal life, but nothing was working. Everything reminded me of Chester. Rob and Brad try dragging me to different events, but nothing's cheering me up.

"Mike, we didn't kidnap you just so you could stare at the ceiling." Rob said.

"I don't know, Robbie. It is pretty hypnotizing." Brad smiled.

"Shut up."

"I don't want to do anything." I said.

"Wanna annoy Rob?" Brad grinned widely.

"No. Brad no."

"Sure.'' I said. This was payback for him dragging me places.

"Brad, I swear to god."

"Oooo! I know one thing he absolutely hates."

"Bradford Phillip Delson, I will leave you."

"Honey, that's amatuer hour." Brad said then started messing with Rob's neck.

"Ew ew ew ew ew." Rob said as he pushed Brad off him.

"He hates when I suck or lick his neck."

"It's gross."

"You do it to me."

"Yeah, but you like it."

"That's true." Brad said then laid against Rob's chest.

I did honestly like hanging out with Brad and Rob. They were lots of fun. Plus Brad annoyed Rob more than anyone else could and he lived for it. I know for a fact if Chester was like that I couldn't handle it. Rob loved it though, so they worked pretty well together.

"See Rob, me annoying you has once again been for the greater good." Brad gestured toward me.

"You're still in trouble."

"You two are idiots." I laughed.

Chester POV
I woke up in an unfamiliar room. I was handcuffed to the bed. I also couldn't see out of my left eye which was great. After a few seconds I realized I was in the jails infirmary. I used my one free hand to feel neck. I could feel each ligature mark. Swallowing hurt, breathing hurt, blinking hurt.

"Chester?" I heard a female voice. It was nice to have someone call me by my first name.


"Oh good, you're awake." A nurse walked in front of me.

"Looks like you've got quite a few different injuries."


"Concussion, fractured ribs, your eye is swollen pretty bad, but I'm gonna assume you know that. Not to mention the ligature marks on your neck. They look pretty dark and defined. You also had some cuts around your mouth and eyebrow."

"What happens now?"

"You'll stay here till you recover a little bit. An officer will probably question you then you'll be moved to a different housing unit depending on what you tell the officer."

"What's that suppose to mean?''

"Well, if you won't tell the officer who attacked you we'll have to move you, for your own safety."

I tried to roll over and almost immediately felt excruciating pain. I collapsed back onto the bed with a whimper and closed my eyes. This was literal hell.

I don't think I've ever updated this much in awhile.

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