Old Grudges and Second Chances

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Story between the end and the beginning.

Luz finishes the Majick and releases The young woman from the control of the bad guy. then leaves the light headed and quickly becoming blind young lady in the woods to go get her friend. Luz arrives ina clearing only to seee her freind severely wounded and tied to a tree. Luz erects a Granite dome around Aurroa. Luz and the bad guy have a long conversation trying to irk each other. It is revealed that the man is after revenge for his parents because Luz killed his entire Village. Also it is revealed that they have met before.



oh! why didn't you say so then?

large stone falls from above him


i did


no you said that after you said make your move


* moves to the side* * laughs* you have to try harder then that


drops two more stones one right about him and another one about two feet over to the right


* moves to the left*


drops three columns in a triangle around him

quickly drops thre more making a small prison


blasted thing!


I think I have just been insulted. 

oh well.


let me out of here!


what was that? you were kinda muffled behind all that rock

by the way you were supposed to dodge that prison I had a sink hole and a quicksand trap still left


* growls* 


Wait a second! I thought I caught a guy in there not a dog.

yeesh! I think I need to have my eyes checked


you infuriate me


why thank you! I wasn't trying though, should I have been?


just get the girl and leave


well I was going to talk to you some more but if you want to stay in ther I suppose I could leave


thank you!


fine! I was going to give you some advice for attacking me but since you don't want it. I'll be on my way. She says as she lowers dome from around Aurroa


Aurroa groans slightly


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