Rora Relives Luz's Past.

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Aroura: *whines and cuddles into her* i-its alright y-you didn't do anything

Luz: "Lay still little elf I know it hurts but please lay still

the dragon blood will help soon"

Aroura: "I-i feel cold"

Luz: Scales slowly begin to form and close up the wounds on Aroura's back "hold on little elf, just a little longer, keep talking to me"

Aroura: "I'm scared"

Luz: "Nah, I remember those wounds you will be alright. I promise, though I bet you will have some extra scales on your back"

Aroura: *nods wincing*

Luz: I bet by morning you will be just fine. thoughI will warn you very sore. I would suggest that you try to relax and get some sleep on me as soon as I can feel your wounds close.

Aroura: *nods*

Luz: Good, now lay your head on my shoulder and try to relax your back

Aroura: *lays down but is still tense*

Luz: You have to relax or the scales will grow back funny

Aroura: *relaxes and cuddles into luz*

Luz: runs her hand down Rora's back hovering just above her skin, finding that most of the wounds have healed.

Aroura: *eyes droop*

Luz: looks at Rora and says. You can sleep now little elf

Aroura:* drifts to sleep cuddling into luz*

Luz: waits until Rora is fully asleep before wiggling out from under her, and staggering over to Rissa.

*Rissa had apparently woken up from her faint and fallen asleep as her breaths were deep and even*

Sandra: is Rora alright?

Luz: Yeah, she will be fine. she will have some scales on her back now though

Sandra: * nods*

Luz: thanks for taking care of Rissa, I was a little too ocupied to deal with both of them

Sandra: i know

Luz: Frankly I don't know what I am going to do when Rissa goes through my past it was bad enough seeing Rora go through it

Sandra: i know but it will get better

Luz: How? it was bad enough to go through it my self. But to have them injured by my past. it hurts so bad knowing I can't do anything about it

Sandra: * hugs her lightly* i know

Luz: "Thanks a lot mom." Jerks back. "it is alright if I call you mom right?

Sandra: * pulls her in* of course

Luz: snuggles into Sandra's lap. "Thanks mom." She says and falls asleep in her lap.

Mark and Tomo stumble back in the clearing followed by Max

Sandra: runs her hands through Luz's hair

Mark: walks to the edge of the nest and looks in seeing the sweet image of his wife holding a girl in her lap. "Honey, Tomo and I finally got a good sized pile of game. we field gutted it so it should be okay"

Sandra: * nods*

Mark: Do you want me to throw it in the pot? you look a little busy and very tired."

Sandra: Yes, please

Mark: Okay. Hey do you think they would mind if we guys took over the other nest? They look comfortable."

Sandra: Babe, if your going to talk to one of the girls, remember make a lot of noise.

Mark: Okay will do. Tomo can you go drop the game into the cook pot for me? when you are done go lay down in the other nest. You and I will sleep there tonight. I need to talk to your mommy

Tomo: "ok!" He runs off to do as he is told. 

Sandra: yea?

Mark: Oh nothing it just looks like you need a hug and a nap. what happened today?

Sandra: smiles faintly "Rora and them had bad dreams."

Mark: Again? were they the same kind?

Sandra: "they were their memories

Mark: Yeah? how did they get all beaten up? Were they flailing in a knife pit or something?

Sandra: * frowns* that's how intense the nightmare was

Mark: "Oh, God! the nightmares are so bad that they inflict injury?"

Sandra: "and anything else that happens"

Marks eyes bug out. "So that's why they were all afraid of me!" he almost shouts

Sandra: *holds a finger to her lips* Shh...yes that's why

Mark: The way they were acting makes a lot more sense now. Thanks for telling me honey

Sandra: "your welcome"

Mark: Why don't you put Luz down and come get a hug you look like you could use one.

Sandra: *lays luz down by Rora*

gives his wife a tight hug "lets go by the fire and I'll stay with you tonight"

Sandra: alright

Mark" picks her up and walks over to the fire "I love you"

Sandra: *snuggles into him* I love you too

Mark: pulls the spare bedroll over them and wraps his arms around his wife.

Sandra:*buries her face in his chest*

Mark: Shh, it's alright.

Sandra: *looks up* why don't you think Rora is your daughter?

Mark: I-I'm not really sure.

Sandra: you know i would never cheat on you... she is your daughter

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