The Thirteenth

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As I was driving into my parents driveway today, since i had had my windows down.

I had heard the neighbours,
About something.

But that wasn't what was interesting,
Especially when we lived right next door to the towns gossip.

What had caught my attention,
Had been the mention of your name,
Sure it wasn't uncommon since you were the towns golden bad boy.
(Is that even possible?)

Anyways  back to the gossip,
I had overheard that you were coming back too town,
That you were here for your grandpa to take care of him,
And they hope that you will stay here permanently because if you do stay,
You'll be a good catch for a partner since not only were you handsome,
You're successful too!

And then they were hushing themselves down since they had probably remembered who their neighbours were.

And no matter how much I want to hate them.

I know I can't.

Because you're not mine anymore Luca.

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