The Seventeenth

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You said that we were like two broken pieces,
That if you arranged us just right,
We could create something beautiful.

I loved that you said that,
It was something that I held on to,
With every fiber of my being,
Something I definitely shouldn't have done.

You were the first person that I had truly accepted love from,
Don't get me wrong,
My parents didn't abuse me,
They never made me feel as if I wasn't loved,
They just weren't cut out for the job,
They tried, i know they did,
The daily calls when they were gone,
The way they tried to fit in time for me in their busy schedules,
But for me, it was just never enough.

But you were enough,
More than enough,
You were everything.

The stars,
The moon,
The sun,
The clouds.

You were the universe,
My universe.

And I was content,
I was happy,
You had made an unhappy girl,
Who was never satisfied with anything,
The most happiest girl in the world,
Who would never want for anything.

But was i ever enough?
It was a question that bothered me relentlessly after the news that you were gone.

I don't know what broke me more,
The fact that you never said goodbye,
Or the fact that you hadn't brought me with you.

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