Chapter Twenty-One

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*Possible trigger warning*

Norman soaks in every word as I
cry to him over my discovery. His hand is stroking my back while I rest my head on his shoulder.
"I know it seems silly since I've lost feeling for him, but it just hurts so damn bad. I would never do this to him no matter what he does."
He nods. "I know you wouldn't. That shows the difference between you and him."
"I probably deserve it after all I've done to him these past few months, I-"
"No, Jolene, you don't deserve that. Nobody deserves to have their trust broken like that."
I sit there for a minute, looking down at my lap.
"Why does everyone always leave me?" I look up at him.
"I wish I could answer that. Everyone has left me, too. Well, I never had anyone to begin with. But I promise you aren't alone. I won't leave you."
I nod, scooting down where I can lay my head on his lap. He stiffens at first, then relaxes. Low hums sound from him after a bit, slowly brushing my hair back with one of his large hands. He moves the other one to my back, rubbing it up and down.
I groan a few times when he rubs tense parts of my back, which soon relaxes me, allowing me to drift off into a deep slumber.


Soft snores and faint sunlight cause me to stir. I feel arms wrapped around me and wake up to see that Norman is laying across the couch and I'm laying pretty much on top of him, my head on his chest.
The clock on the wall lets me know it's 5:30 AM, and Richard will probably be coming home soon.
"Norman," I shake him gently. "You should probably go on upstairs." I say softly.
His eyes flutter and he looks down at me laying on him and his cheeks slowly turn red. He unlocks his arms from around my back and starts to talk, but I put my hand on his shoulder. "It's okay. I promise. Don't worry. Just go on up to bed."
"Are you okay?"
"No, but I'll be okay."
He pulls me in to him, tightly hugging me before getting up and heading off upstairs to get the rest of his sleep out.
I lay against the edge of the couch on my arm, dozing off again.
The back door closes and my eyes pop open, waiting to see the man who broke my trust.
Richard walks into the living room, stopping when he sees me. "I didn't expect you to be up. Gee, you look awful, are you sick?"
I glare at him, sitting up off my arm and cross my legs on the couch.
"Yeah, I'm sick. Not physically though. I guess I would look rough after being up crying half of the night."
Rolling his eyes, he sits in the arm chair across from me. "Yeah, I figured you were gonna be upset about that."
My jaw drops slightly. "Upset? After seven years together you think I'd just be upset? Richard it's not like you broke my favorite dish, you had a whole other relationship!"
"Well damn, what do you expect Jo? You hardly even talk to me anymore. You haven't given me sex in months, and you've done so much behind my back."
"Oh my god, so I brought Norman home to live with us because he had no where to go and suddenly I ruined everything. Shut up with that bull. Seriously, just shut up. You've been trying to buy my love for months all while treating me like a stray dog biting at your heel. I don't have sex with you anymore because I'm pretty much disgusted with you as a whole person."

His eyes are in a darker glare than I've ever seen, twisting my stomach into knots. My palms are clammy, and my mouth is getting dry.
"You know, I never did put my foot down with you, but I think it's about time I did that." He stands up, walking over to me.
My heart rate increases, feeling like it's about to pound out of my chest.
"Richard..what are you doing?" I ask, crawling back against the couch.
"Something I should've done a long time ago. Been authoritative."
He picks me up by my shoulders, throwing me back and straddling me at my hips. His hands go to unbutton my shirt and I realize what's happening.
I start squirming under him, but he weighs double what I do.
"Richard, get off of me!"
His left hand strikes my cheek, then covers my mouth.
"God, don't you ever shut up?"
Tears fill my eyes and he notices, smirking before tossing my shirt and bra aside, moving to my pants.
I try to push him off with my arms, but he restrains them with the arm he's using to cover my mouth.
He throws my pants down and leans up, putting his lips to my jaw.
Tears are streaming down my face at this point.
He puts his other hand in my underwear, and I begin to yell, which is just muffled by his hand.
I feel disgusted just by his fingers working in and out of my body, and I gather up my courage and bite down on the inside of his hand, pretty much chomping. He jerks his hand away and I use this moment of weakness to push him back, freeing my legs enough to kick him off of me.
I start to run into our bedroom and he grabs my hair, jerking me back and pulling me where our bare chests are pressed against each other. He locks his arms around my back and holds me against him, and I use all my strength to push him off. I go to run again and he grabs my shoulders, jerking me back and forcing his lips onto mine. I pull away, and he grabs my arm, twisting it behind my back causing me to cry out in pain.
"My my little Jo, you sure are a pretty little thing." He strokes his hand down the side of my face.
The menace in his voice nauseates me.
I look around for any sort of weapon to use against him, and in my quick thinking I see the knife I used to cut open Norman's boxes.

His fist strikes my noise, searing pain going through my face. I can smell blood and feel it start to rush out.
I jam my elbows into his rib cage, going over to the end table by the couch and grab the knife, hiding it behind my back.
He laughs sinisterly as he turns around to me. "It sure is funny how even when I try to make you do it, she's still better than you."
There's only a small space separating us, and when he tries to step to me again, I stick my foot out, tripping him.
I can't help but smirk a small bit as I turn and get on the ground, straddling him.
"Look who finally came around."
My mind is racing with thoughts I didn't even know I could think. It's almost as if I'm floating above myself, watching all of this from above.
He grabs my breasts, massaging them, while behind my back I twist the knife handle in my hand.
I'd swear to you I'm not even in my own body anymore. Someone else is controlling me.
I force myself to moan.
He smirks. "Does that feel good?"
I nod, using my free hand to push his arms to his sides, running it down his bare chest.
He grunts, raising his eyebrows up at me. "What are you gonna do now, Jo?"
His words are almost ironic.
"Oh, baby, you have no idea."
I have nothing to lose.
He watches me as I grind my hips against his lap.
I get a good grip around the knife handle, raising my hands over my head.
His eyes are fixated on my chest rather than his soon death. Typical pig.
Forcing the knife down, his eyes widen just as I jam it into his chest.
I repeat the motion, in and out, in and out.
Soon after I'm covered in his blood, and so is he. Or, what used to be him.
My arms get tired after about the ninth stab, and I drop the knife onto his chest, wiping my sweaty forehead and accidentally smearing blood on it as well.


I lean back, marveling at what I'd done, this feeling of freedom taking over me. I'm free. I'm finally free. I don't have to worry about anymore cheek slaps, sex attempts, and disapproving in-laws.

It's over.

But, reality takes back over and I look down at what I've done, covering my mouth before screaming for Norman.

*Norman's POV*
Jolene screaming for me pulls me out of the deep sleep I was in, and I run down in just my pajamas.
As I near the bottom of the stairs I can hear her dry sobs which immediately concerns me.
"Norman I swear I didn't mean to..I didn't mean was an accident.."
Trembles cover every inch of my body as I look at her, naked and covered in blood, then at Richard, naked, covered in blood, and dead.
"Norman, I really didn't mean to. He was gonna do something bad to me if I didn't get him off of me."
I walk over to her, pulling her to her feet by her shoulders.
She turns to me, trembling just as much as I am.
The scent of blood fills the room completely and her knees buckle, causing her to fall against my chest.
I wrap my arms around her, shushing her gently.
"Norman, you have to help me. I don't know what to do."
I think for a minute, trying to come up with a last minute plan.
"Go pack up whatever you want to take and take them out to the car. And put clothes on. Get anything important to you and anything you'll need. I'll take care of the body, then go grab things of my own."
"Where are we gonna go?"
"Don't worry, I know a place."


Dang, that chapter was wild. Sorry if the content was triggering to anyone, but I'd planned for this to happen.
I look forward to reviews!

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