Chapter Twenty Two

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"Norman, where are we going?" I ask for about the hundredth time.
"Just relax. We'll be there soon."
His eyes are fixated on the road. I'm not even sure he can legally drive, and I was hesitant to get in the car with him, but I'm in no shape to argue.
It's still sinking in that I murdered my fiancé. All those years of studying about murderers in my college books and now I've become one.
People call Norman insane, but now I've done what he's done.
In a way though it's helpful. He understands what I'm feeling right now.
Do I feel remorse for murdering Richard? No. Honestly I don't. He wasn't a good person.
Did I love him? Yes of course I did. I just hated who he was.
I'm not sure what Norman did with his body, but he said everything was taken care of. I trust him. Obviously he has experience with this kind of thing.
"Norman, do you hate me?"
The car swerves a little as he turns his head, slumping his shoulders. "Jolene, why would I hate you? You would've had to have done this six more times to catch up with me."
"Well, aren't you afraid of me?"
He laughs dryly. "No. I have no reason to be. You did what you did out of defense for yourself."
He's right.
It wasn't the first time Richard had done something like that. I tried telling my mother after the first time, but she only scolded me for not giving him what he wanted to begin with.
That's around the time I think I started to resent him.
My emotions right now are hard to process. One minute I'm almost happy about what I did, and the next I'm digging my fingernails into my thighs waiting on my gut to untwist.
Norman takes an exit on the interstate, and by the number on the sign I know we're close to Fairvale, but not in it.
"Are we almost there?"
He nods.
The cold glass of the window cools my cheek as I lean against it.
Just from my view, we're in the middle of nowhere.


Off in the distance I see a house on a hill, the rising sun barely lighting it up.
"Ooh, Norman, don't you just know that house is haunted? Look at it. Someone definitely died there." I try to lighten the mood.
He half smiles, not bothering to look over. We get closer to the house, which is accompanied by a motel, which causes me to put the pieces together.
"Oh, Norman, I'm so-"
"It's no problem. After all, you weren't wrong."
Once we pull into the driveway I get a better look at the house and motel.
The motel is pretty small, it looks to have twelve or so rooms, plus what I think is an office. It's hard to tell since it's been abandoned for a year.
The house is very large, and obviously older. It looks quite like a haunted house, which is why I said what I did earlier.
"Do you think it's ok for you to be here Norman?"
He closes the trunk, having gotten all of our stuff out.
"Of course. Why wouldn't it be?"
"Just because of your..I don't know. Never mind."
Nodding, he leans against the car. "I'm completely fine Jolene. I wouldn't bring you here if I didn't trust myself."
I nod slowly, looking back at the house.

After staring at it for a minute I remember where I've seen it before. This is the house from that sketch Norman made of me.
I gotta say, he did a very nice job from what I can remember.
It's still such an odd feeling knowing that he had such a big crush on me. I'm sure it's gone away, but I guarantee he hasn't forgotten about it.
I hope he doesn't think I've led him on or anything by having him stay at the house.

*Norman's POV*
Poor Jolene. She shouldn't feel bad for committing this murder.
I haven't asked exactly what was going on when she did it, but I'm not an idiot. I know what he was doing to her.
The whole drive over Mother was speaking to me, telling me not to bring Jolene to her house.
She said Jolene would kill me.
I don't think that's true.
I've never mistreated Jolene. Now that I have her all to myself I'm gonna cherish her.

She's all mine.

Short chapter, but I start school tomorrow. :(
I'll update as much as possible, this story is my priority!

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