The Very Definition of Murder

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That was nice...but...I have something to do...


N-no! Nothing to concern you sweetie~

Just rest. Your wife will be back for more~


I awoke at a yelp. I noticed how the side didn't have Marie next to me. Must have been half awake, last night.

She was...handling something.

But what exactly?

I couldn't stay here while that was going on. Who knew what could happen. I managed to get up and notice...I was in a kitty pajama. Like our first day together when she killed my parents. I dunno' why she dressed me like this, maybe it's sexual experimentation; hell if I know. I never really was screwed while wearing this.

But whatever, at least I'm not naked; Kawasaki would have a heart attack.

Treading the halls, with only the light of my cell phone...erm, her cellphone, I don't have one yet. It seemed quiet, but I heard something down the hall, near the library that they had.

Carefully, I felt the door to the place, inching my way inside. I could hear muffled screaming, behind the shelves.

Even an idiot could guess why that might be; hidden room. I tossed a few books before noticing something...there was candlelight on the wall. It wasn't noticeable, but it was a little off. Maybe, if I turn it...

Taking a chair to reach it better, I managed to twist it left, before it settled back in place. A soft shift of mechanical wonder opened a bookcase; the noise was louder.

I was scared but...hell, I have honestly seen enough to be desensitized. Walking downstairs, closing the shelf door thing, I heard the echoes of pain. I could only gain a few snippets of dialogue.

"Aaufhh....Kaneshi...diamond...." it wasn't registered to my ears, but I had a feeling it was something to do with Kaneshiro.

".......and...more...." Marie? Yep, that was her.

I managed to get closer than I should, finding Marie and Rook torturing an individual using a barrel of water, and a string that had some man.

"That's if !!!"

"Rook..." Marie snapped her fingers, and he drowned the stranger again. Or was about a long time that I can't really guess. "You were saying? What was the goal, or maybe drowning is your favorite lady time?"

"......*cough*....the kid....for something they wouldn't tell. But...Okumara...the vaults..."

"Hm....Rook...maybe we need to-" Marie stopped mid-sentence when the man was staring dead at me. Fuck...

"..........." I said nothing.

"K-Kaito?! Uh, just tying up some um loose ends..." Marie laughed. "Isn't that so wrong?"

"Nope. I saw you stab a man repeatedly with an umbrella. This wouldn't be new to me...." Probably talking out my ass with that statement. I was absolutely shocked, but...should I really? This is Marie Kimora.

"...please, go upstairs sweetie~. This is a little intense for your eyes,"

"Bullshit..." I reeled at the fact I talked back towards her orders. But, no stopping now. "I was beaten to pulp by several kids larger than me on a daily basis, locked and minimally fed the crap food that prisoners have, and actually was cut by a knife from a random teenager, across the chest. I still have that scar...and I had to stitch it myself, without any help, or proper medical equipment. I'm extremely fucking lucky I haven't died of infection. So give me one good fucking reason, why I shouldn't know about this?!"

"........." She seemed surprised, and for some reason....smiled? The hell? "Kaito...that's exactly what I was waiting for.....Rook, kill the man,"

Marie grabbed my hand as I followed her, interested in what she meant by that...I think I heard silencer shots...funny, 'heard silence'.

When we were back in the library, she sat down. I joined her, on her left.

"Well...I guess you like the pajamas I gave you your first day, Nya?" She winked. I still had the suit on. Dammit.

I shook my head of that realization, and continued.

"Well? Spill it, wife," Wow, that tone was unlike me, completely assertive and, well, pissed. Usually it's the very definition of  an emo, or a scared coward. Healing? Don't know.

"..........hehe...we found out Mr. Kaneshiro was going to take both of us for ransom. Me, because of my father's presence in Nobura...but you, for a different reason...something to do with the dead Okumara Clan. That's about all they said, so far,"


"There was more than Ben Drowned that you saw," She giggled, a really dark inside joke; she knew how that story ends, right?

" they were gonna' kill me for something afterwords? I know they probably would do that after they used me," I felt a hug, that was unwanted. I felt my face squish against her breasts, with me trying not to scream.

"Don't worry about that...I'll protect you~" She stroked my head. "Anyone who tries to hurt you will be six feet shorter......"

Okay...that scared me, a lot. The fact that she would go that, I'd be lying if I said it wasn't in her nature. She's a cold blooded killer, and only puts my life before anyone else's. And, to be honest...I was sort of okay with it. It isn't like it's future diary, Stockholm syndrome and all.

Murdered parents? Yep, but mine were shitheads who really should've been given a death sentence; I'd do it myself if I wasn't a pussy the entire time. Kidnapped? No....I let her. Again, parents are shit. People are shit. Being with this hot chick is better than being the human punching bag for society.

Hot chick? Well, yeah, I guess. Despite the obvious bloodlust and Yandere personality, actually tame for a Yandere....which says a lot, considering the ones I see on cable.

"So....what now?" I asked, letting myself sleep in her cleavage...god, this was heaven.

"I'm gonna' deal with this big bad guy who tried to hurt you~" She chuckled evilly. It sent chills up my spine, but didn't let it bother me as much as it should. I merely shrugged it off...even this murderous blonde, Marie Kimora, the one person who wouldn't think twice to kill a man, was the nicest person I had met.

I'd trust she'd figure this out, she had done the same thing before months ago.

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