And Here, We Go To War...

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Here we are...

Say, the last few moments were nice, at least in my opinion. I had the house. I had the girl. But...I guess a life like this would lead to this.

Now, I might as well be dead already; Mayor was really thorough in manipulating me, and my newest family. A slight peep, or attempt on his life would cause things to go a fiery sort of way.

The bastard...

I thought I truly had a choice in my life, a chance...what a load of shit. But does that mean I'm done? Nope.

Either way, he would be killed, and I'd be laughing. If it ends up somehow like a happy ending, God must've held those years of my suffering accountable.

But happy endings are bullshit. In the mafia world Marie had shown me, there is always a new war. Whether or not your involved, it'll find you, one way or the other.

The thing is, in this subway, it wasn't much of a war, but more like a slaughter. Me, being pushed around as if I never left my shit foster parents. It...bothered me. The feeling of being back to square one is a frustrating endeavor.

"Ah, here we are!" My fake uncle exclaimed, eyeing a poorly aged submarine like door. The other men pushed me ahead, standing in front of it. "Alright, here we go. Inside this is a genetic bypass...only an Okumara can go inside and open the vault...I trust you know what to do?"

I nodded, entering the hallway; the smell of piss was definitely unwelcome. This place needs an upgrade, at least, for the sake of smell.

Other than that, the detail of the door ahead was glaringly obvious. It was a large steel door, comprised of various locks and components comparable to underground bunkers. The digital aspect was crude, like it hadn't gotten past the 70s. Yet, the construction was so well done, the flaw was forgiven.

At the very right, a circular monitor, atop a sensor, possibly similar to those test devices for diabetes. My blood would give some hints, my heritage.

And it would also give him cash; he deserved shit, but my scenario wouldn't allow my actions to mean anything substantial.

"Well? We're waiting?" That smug asshole. Quietly, I walked towards the mechanism, looking at the static upon the monitor.

"..." I put my finger on the imprint, a slight prick felt. The monitor was soon tracking various data on me, comparing it to past Okumara's from their golden age.

"Good boy...hehe, finally, was that so hard-" He heard something behind him, but dismissed it as just a passing train. "Get the bags ready, we're clearing this place out..."

I was pushed inside, the door kept ajar by a few guards.

Inside, you wouldn't believe how much yen there was, the amount of treasures, vases, I knew bringing a sword to a gunfight is a terrible decision, but I'll keep that in mind.

"Ha Ha! Nice," The Mayor eyed the merchandise like his own prey, just waiting to pounce. "The bags will transport the paper money for now,"

Another sound. But it was wasn't a subway. I could tell from the acoustics, as faint as it was.

Gunshots. And that meant one thing; Marie Kimora had found me.

"...Ya' stiff Kaito? Hm?" Turning, he could hear it too; a look of despair filling his expression.

Taking a chance, I grabbed the nearest man, and shoved him into the glass pane that held the decorative tachi swords. Grabbing one, I stabbed another goon, limping lifelessly as literal dead weight.

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