
I picked Aurora up from the couch and carried her onto the bed tugging her top off I squeezed her boobs again and she sat up

"You know I'm not having sex with you now right?"

"I know I'm just having fun"

"Okay "

I softly kissed her and then got rough and making out with her I played with her hair as her hands wondered down my back feeling my muscles and she pulled my top off and her hands kept wondering, as we were about to get into something emeraude walked into the room and said Aurora your sister is here!

She slipped away from under me and ran towards her sister


"I can't believe your here in LA for a change"

"Well when you told me there was a hotty here I had to fly over"

"So you flew over for a boy and not me?"

"No aurora that was one of the reasons I am here because of Alberto and because i have business here"

"Oh fun"

"Yeah I'm a recording a new song and I need you to feature innit!"

"What no Amy I'm not doing that, I haven't sung for years"

"Exactly, but I still know you are good"


"So you'll do it?
"Yes, when?"


"No can't"
"I've got a shoot"

"Oh okay, just message me your schedule"

"Yeah okay"

Matthew Daddario & Dom Sherwood ;))))Where stories live. Discover now