
It was the early hours of the morning when I felt the sudden urge to be sick!
I climbed over joe and into the bathroom near where Matt and Aurora where sleeping. Hopefully no one heard me spewing up.

Well the only person that did hear was Matt

He knocked on the bathroom door

"Em are you okay? Can u let me in?"

"Hang on"

I unlocked the door and invited him in and straight away locked the door again

"Em what's up?"

"Idk recently I've been being sick every morning"

"Em are you pregnant?"

"How did you tell?"

"So you are?My auntie was a midwife"

"Yeah I think I am, I just need to take a test. Please don't tell anyone!"

Tears fell from my eyes as I realised the reality of it all.

"Oi em don't cry"

"I can't help it Matt, what if I am and I have no one to help me?"

"Well if you are I will move in to help you!"

"Thankyou Matt"

"Have you got any pregnancy tests in ur house?"


"Right come on then, get your shoes on, we will go to a open all hours pharmacy"

"Thanks Matt, for everything"

"We have got to be quick and quiet"

"Yeah okay"

On the way to the pharmacy we had to stop 9 times for me to be sick and Matt was so kind about it

As we entered the pharmacy we walked straight over to the pregnancy test isle and picked a pack of 10 up at the price of £25

"Em I'll pay"

"No Matt I will don't worry"

"No let me pay"

I had to let him pay otherwise we would just have an argument about it. He really is like my big brother.

He asked the lady and the counter if there was a bathroom we could use, she nodded her head and pointed us to the bathroom

"Can you come in with me?"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah please"

"Do you want me to turn around?"


He turned around as I peed on the stick, it was harder than I thought it would be. After I did that I put the lid on and passed it to Matt

"What does it say?"

"We have to wait em calm down"

"I can't calm down! I don't even know who the father is?"

"The baby don't need a father if he's got you"

"Thank you"

"Come here"

He pulled me into a hug and he continued to look at the stick.


"What does it say?"

"Your pregnant"

"I can't do this"
"I'm going to be a terrible mother"
"What about the show"
"They are gonna have to get a new Izzy"

"Stop em, nothing gonna change your gonna be the best mum ever and they will keep you in the show until they can't hide it anymore"

"How am I gonna tell everyone?"

"Maybe put the stick in a box and address it to them all and say that ur pregnant love em"

"Good idea"

As we arrived home at 6:45 we did what we said we would and we both went back to bed. When they all woke up Kat read out the letter and they all said congratulations and hugged me except joe who walked out of the house

"Em are you gonna get him?"

"No Amy I'm not he's a douche bag anyway"


Later that evening Matt moved in with me. And Aurora said she won't be living here for very much longer as her and her sister are gonna share a place until she leaves in 3 weeks. At first Matt was sad but he soon cheered up when she kissed him

Why can't I have someone like Matt?

Matthew Daddario & Dom Sherwood ;))))Where stories live. Discover now