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How do you make a man, whose favourite pass time is to watch people suffer, stop from doing what he was made to do? How do you make a man, who smiled joyfully watching his mother die, stop from hurting someone who you love? How do you bring sanity to someone's life? Someone so deranged and clouded with revenge.

Those were the questions I asked myself at this very moment. And there was a simple, painful answer to them; you can't.

"Valentino, don't." 

The metal pressed harder against the man's temple. Anxiety clawed at my chest.

"This isn't you," I lied. This was the exact example of who he really was, a monster. "He didn't do anything. Just let him be, Valentino."

My pleading tone caused his choke hold on Adrian to tighten, constricting his breathing. Stifling a sob I stepped forward and reached out but the dangerous glint in his eyes had me hold back.

"Please! I am begging you! Don't do it. I love him."

Immediately, I chastised myself for my choice of words. Fear took over me as Valentino's eyes lit up with anger. Each angle of his face transformed with rage and disgust, eyeing me up at down.

"You love him?" He threw his head back and laughed maniacally. I jumped at his sudden outburst. "You don't love him. You're just saying that. Aren't you? I know you don' told me he's nothing to you, remember?"

The mocking tone in his voice angered me. "I do love him! I do. Valentino, I'm not like you. No one is like you, and you know that. You refused to be helped. Now look at what you've become," his body shook with anger, so much anger. "There's something so fucking wrong with you."

Just like that, the mentally ill man's grin transformed into a smile. A smile I once fell in love with and now despised. One so innocent and natural you'd think he was just an ordinary person. But I knew it was all just a facade. One that ruined and deceived so many lives. 

I watched the familiar face cautiously. He looked like a normal man with a future that held a wife, three kids and a yellow fucking house with a white picket fence. 

But Valentino wasn't a normal man. Far from it.

"You're right, there is. Tell me, Sierra. Tell me what's wrong with me. Tell me and this will all be over."

Tears streamed down my face as exhaustion clung to me. I was tired. I was so tired. Of all of this. My words barely audible, I begged him. "Valentino, I don't-"

"Oh Sierra you do know," He spoke gently, as if talking to a child, "From the moment you met me, you knew. You knew all along but you just didn't want to believe it."

When I didn't say anything he pressed the gun harder into Adrian's head, raising his eyebrow.

"Tell me-"

"You're sick, Valentino. You're psychotic."

Soulless brown eyes bored into mine and he grinned. Every nerve in my body stiffened. "That's right, baby. I'm psychotic."

The piercing sound of a gun shot rang through my ears, deafening me.

My brother dropped dead.


Well...that was the prologue. 

I had so many ideas for the prologue but I just stuck to this. Hope you enjoyed it though. I'm not sure when I'll be putting up the first chapter as I'm still trying to figure out which way I want this book to go so till next time...


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