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I grabbed a butchers knife from the knife block. I strained my ears. Nothing. I pressed my back against the fridge hiding myself from view, waiting for whoever it was to show. After standing there for a few seconds I shook my head. It was getting to me. I loosened a breath I didn't know I was holding and threw the knife on the counter. Deciding to skip dinner for the night, I began to walk away when I was suddenly throw against the floor.

A heavy body pressed against me, weighing me down. I wrapped my legs around the intruders and twisted my body, releasing myself from their hold. Pulling my elbows back, I repeatedly rammed them back into their face. They let out a deep grunt and pushed me off of them. My head hit the counter and I stood. The person whom I had to assume was a 6ft tall man wore a black ski mask and was huge.  He charged towards me like a bull. Instinctively, I picked up the knife from earlier and ran towards him, piercing it straight through is left arm.

"You little bitch!He growled but ignored the evident pain and gripped my throat pushing me against the wall, chocking me. I gripped his arm struggling to breathe, my free hand came up and pulled the knife out of his arm. He screamed audibly, Pulling my hand back I pushed it straight through his chest. Warm blood dribbled down my hand and he fell to the kitchen floor. I bent over, gasping for air. 

Valentino's men.

I quickly recovered grabbing a hand gun from the cabinet below the sink. Can never be too cautious. I stealthily made my way across the adjoined lounge and into the hallway that led to the front door. As I grew closer another man appeared, dressed similarly to the one I'd encountered earlier. He went to lift his hand but I was quicker and put a bullet right between his eyes. Walking faster I stepped over him and scoped out the hallway outside the apartment. 

I could hear shouts at the end of the hallway. Turning, I walked calmly towards my bedroom, pulled out my phone from my back pocket and dialled a familiar number. 

After a few rings he picked up, "Sierra!"

"Asher. Safe house, now." I replied, grabbing my pre-packed duffel bag from my closet. A life like mine, you could never be too sure when you had to run. 

"Sending you the address now." After hearing the shouts now nearing my bedroom, Asher didn't need to ask any questions. "When-"

"Hold on." I swung the bag over my body and just then the door flew open.  

This time the man wasn't wearing a mask and I inwardly cringed when he smirked, "There you are." He raised his gun, but I was fast, ducking behind the closet door. I moved quickly, shooting him in the head. I threw the empty mag on the floor, grabbed another out of my vanity and loaded the gun. I raised the phone back to my ear all the whilst clearing the hall way, dropping bodies left right and centre. 

"So, any idea how he find out where I live?" I spoke down the phone, ducking behind the plush sofa as a bullet landed dead centre on the flat screen tv.

Asher sighed down the phone, "He's Valentino...bastard has his ways." I could her the tapping of a keyboard before he spoke, "48th street. Clock building. Penthouse B35. The passcode is 3476."

"Great. Thanks Ash." I raised my gun and shot the man down. Getting up, I gathered my box of files near the coffee table, stepped around the lifeless bodies and made my way to the front door. "Oh, and send a clean up crew would you. Actually...send two."

"Got it. bout you skip the safe house and come-"

"Bye, Asher." I deadpanned down the phone, ending the call. I smiled when I head him say something along the lines of 'I tried' but stopped short when I looked back at the mess behind me. 

Time was running out. I need to find him now. And with that thought I strolled out my one year apartment.


Music blasted in my ears as I violently threw my arms forward, hitting the punching bag with full force. With each stretch my muscles burned and my breath laboured but I kept going. My anger fuelled me to carry on. 

Hit. Hit. Hit. 

Never in my five years of training had a person ever even looked in my direction without me knowing. So how did over a dozen of Valentino's men walk right into my apartment yesterday without me even completely realising. 

Hit. Hit. Hit.

I was becoming weak. In my life, there couldn't be weakness. Not even an ounce of it. If there was, then what was the point? What was the point of dedicating my entire life to ending him? I screwed my eyes shut reminiscing my fathers' words. 


Sierra, if you are willing to dedicate your whole life to something, make sure it's for the right reasons. Make sure you know why. Give it your all and never lose hope. 


I bent over and grasped my knees, willing the memories to go. Grabbing my water bottle I took a long drink and walked over to the benches, each movement causing me to grit my teeth. I looked up at the clock on the far side of the gym and realised I'd been here for the past 4 hours. Unwrapping the sticky and wet bandages from my hands I thought back to this morning. 

I'd arrived at the safe house at two in the morning exhausted and went straight to bed. Next thing I knew I woke up to find my self screaming and covered in sweat. The sleepless nights were back. I'd gotten up and came straight to the only place where I could let out my anger, uncontrollably. 

Staring down at my bruised red hands I sighed, deciding to ignore this morning completely. Later this afternoon I had a meeting with my stylist, who was going to prepare me for the Anti Crime event this evening. But first I was off to work at the Nursery. 

I smiled at the thought, packed up my things and decided to go back to the penthouse and take a well needed shower. 


Andd I need a shower too. Happy New Year!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2018 ⏰

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