Cold trails

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I limped into my apartment, heading straight for the master bedroom, deciding to take a well deserved shower. Leaving a trail of weapons and blood covered clothes behind me on the golden carpet, I stepped in, turning on the water. My thoughts turned to the events of the night as the scorching hot water seared my skin, soothing my aching muscles. 

I'd fought my way into Los Ventura, butchered over a dozen of Valentinos men, hoping to find a new lead, but no. None of his men would speak, even after my very persuasive methods. Loyal bastards. The club was yet again another dead end. 

There was no new information on Valentino. Just like the last 3 months. I felt like I was playing a game of cat and mouse, wasting my time, following cold trails. There wasn't even a goddamn  word on him in the last 12 weeks. Nothing. Like he'd just disappeared into thin air. He couldn't hide underground, not since his shit attempt at trying to assassinate The Ring Leader. So, where was he? 

I rubbed at my swollen knuckles, suddenly pissed off. Sighing, I rinsed off my hair and hopped out. 


A wave of pain hit me hard as I studied the manila file sprawled across my folded legs. These damn migraines came from nowhere. Sighing in defeat I looked at my surroundings, papers full of useless information were scattered across the lush velvet sofa and glass coffee table.

Grimacing, I stretched out my legs, lolling my head side to side. The lights above me casted a golden glow around the room, giving the impression of a comforting abode. My bare feet padded across the open lounge to the connected modern kitchen whilst I mulled over the plan for tomorrow night in my head, and what I'd recently learned. 

Rodriguez Yves, who was reported dead exactly 4 months ago, would be attending an anti-crime campaign in New York City tomorrow evening. Yves was known as a hero, a saint, in the eyes of the law. Little did they know, he ran one of the twelve most famous underground crime territories in the world. The exact territories they sought to end. Oh, the irony. It was clever really, how he worked from the inside. Twisting and manipulating the decision of the authorities in his favour. In the crime world's favour. The exact world Valentino was involved with. In trouble with. All I had to do, was approach Rodriguez, ask him a few questions and I'd be back on Valentinos trail. Simple. 

I winced as I stretched my sore back to grab a glass from the cabinet, filling it with ice cold water. I took a seat on the kitchen counter, pulling out my phone, checking my work schedule for the month. As well as playing Judge, Jury and Executioner, I also had to maintain an image. An image of a normal woman making her way around life, working as a kinder garden teacher. And hunting for the man who ruined everything for her.

Yeah, totally normal. It was funny to be honest. Carer during the day, murderer at night. But I needed something to keep me sane. To keep me normal in my screwed up like, so the children were a blessing. One I thanked God for day and night.

Downing my glass of water, I made my way to the fridge to prepare dinner. 

I froze when I heard the front door click shut.


So, it's been 4 months. I'd be surprised if anyone was still waiting for this update...


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