First meeting

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Ito and her friends struggled to push through the crowd surrounding them. They quickly pushed their way out of the crowd and into the car.

They all sighed in relief as the car drove off. "This is so tiring..." Ann complained "Tell me about it...first we had a meeting then we have a show to film, after that we have practice" Naru said. "Sir, please pull over for a minute" Ito said as she opened the car door and stepped out. "Ito, where are you going?" Naru asked. "Just getting a drink, would you like anything?" Ito asked as the shook their heads. "Okay, I'll just take a public transport and get back on my own" Ito said. The girls nodded and drove off.

Ito stepped in and a aroma of baked sweets and coffee filled the area around her. She looked around and saw couples happily eating with each other. "How lucky..." Ito quietly said. She walked deeper inside the cafe. She ordered a small coffee and sat down on a high chair. She was enjoying a nice cup of coffee until she noticed a tall boy with black hair on his guitar. She then secretly listened in.

After a few minutes and listening to his music. It suddenly stopped. Ito looked back. The boy has apparently finished drinking his coffee and left. However when he got up, he dropped his guitar pic.

Ito who wasn't sure what to do has picked up the guitar pic and ran after the boy. She saw the boy a few meters ahead from her as she ran to him and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and Ito came face to face with olive green eyes. She blushed.

Ito looked all around trying to make things less awkward. "May I help you?" The boy asked. "Um, you dropped this" Ito said as she handed the guitar pic to him. "Oh! Thank you!" The boy thanked. "You're welcome" Ito said. Suddenly a large gust of wind blew Ito's hat off revealing her face. People started to stare then all of a sudden...."OMG ITS ITO!" Everyone cheered. "Run!" Ito said as she took his hand and ran.

They ran for about 30 minutes. They stopped running. "Sorry about that" Ito apologized as he shook head. "Its fine, don't worry about it" He said "By the way, I didn't get your name" Ito said. "Oh, I'm Kouji and I'm assuming you must be Ito" Kouji said as she nodded. "This is quite cool actually, hanging out with a famous star" Ito laughed "I'll take that as a compliment" Ito said. "Shouldn't you be in your studio practicing and singing" Kouji asked. "I was taking a small break" Ito said.

They chatted for a while telling each other stories and jokes. "You're a pretty cool guy" Ito said. "Thanks!" Kouji said. He looked at his watch. It read 7:38, "Say Ito, do your band members know that you're here?" Kouji asked. "Yes, I told them I was going to be back at 6" Ito said unaware of the time. "Its 7:38 now" Kouji said as he showed her his watch. "What?! Oh gosh, I gotta go" Ito said as she ran off.

"She's kinda cute..." Kouji thought as he walked the opposite direction as she did.

"ITO! YOU BUTT, YOU SCARED US" Ann cried as she hugged Ito tight. "Ann, I can't breathe" Ito choked "Oops, sorry" Ann said as she released him. "Seriously though, where the heck did you go?" Naru asked. "The cafe, we have to eat now, let's go" Ito said still thinking about Kouji.

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