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Ito was practicing her dance near a lake. It was quite calming for Ito. The sound of the waves crashing onto the wall of the ground was Ito's favorite sound. "Will he be there?" Ito thought.

She didn't notice someone walking towards her. The person tapped her on the shoulder. "Gya!" She yelped as the person was taken back a bit. Ito looked at the person and saw it was Kouji. "You scared me! Don't do that" Ito said as she sighed in relief. "Sorry, should I come back later" Kouji asked. "No! I don't mind but don't take this the wrong way! Its not like I enjoy your company or anything" Ito said trying to convince herself. "Oh! That's great, here this is for you" Kouji said as he handed her a boxed drink. "T-thanks" Ito thanked as she drank it. "Its kinda a coincidence that we keep meeting like this, instead do you want to plan an actual meet up?" Kouji asked. "Sure, I'll give you my number and you can give me yours" Ito said not realising what she said until "Um! Its just so I'll be able to find you when we do meet up" Ito said as he laughed. "Don't worry, I know what you mean" Kouji smiled. She blushed a bit and exchanged numbers.

While they were talking it became late really fast. "Oh! Before it becomes really late, do you want to meet some of my friends? O-of course if you don't want to its totally fine to" Ito said. "Sure, you introduce me to your friends and I'll introduce you to mine" Kouji as her face lit up. "Sure"

They walked over to the studio were Ito did her practices with her group mates. "Ah, Ito, welcome back?...Who's that?" Ann asked. At the same time Naru came back from the washroom. "Oh! Kouji! What a pleasant surprise" Naru said. "Do you guys know each other?" Ito asked. "Yes, We used to be neighbours" Naru said. He laughed. "Hey, I don't understand anything that going on right now" Ann said confused.

They introduced them to each other. "I should take my leave, I don't want you guys to get into and trouble" Kouji said as he picked up his bag that was leaning against the mirror. "So soon? Alright, have a good trip back" Naru said as she waved. "I'll send you out" Ito said as she got up. "No, its okay, see you later Ito" Kouji said. The door clicked behind him as Ito just stared at it "Its seems like Ito has a crush" Ann laughed as Ito blushed. Naru just laughed. Ito sighed. "This is going to be a long night"

Kouji made it back to the door he shared with his friends "Hiro, Kazuki, I'm back" Kouji called. Kazuki who was sleeping on the couch has woken up. "Welcome back man" Kazuki said as he laid back down. "Where's Hiro?" Kouji asked. "He's combing his hair again" Kazuki said as he pointed to the bathroom. Indeed Hiro was brushing his hair. "I'm going to my room now, catch you later" Kouji said as he entered his room and immediately went on his phone.

He looked at his contacts and stared at Ito's name. "Dang it, I'm being such a creep...but I never really felt this way before..." Kouji said as he took out his guitar and started to create another song but this time for Ito.

All of a sudden Kazuki burst into the room. "Haven't you heard of knocking?" Kouji asked with eyebrow raised. Kazuki knocked on the door. "Come in" Kouji answer as Kazuki called Hiro into the room as well. "Look! They have a concert coming out" Kazuki said as he showed him a picture of Ann, Naru, and Ito. "You're obsessed with that group" Hiro laughed. "I can't help it, their songs are so catchy" Kazuki said. "I know them actually" Kouji said as he pointed to the picture. Hiro and Kazuki's jaw dropped. "Are you serious? How?" Hiro asked. "The main leader and I used to be neighbours and I bumped into Ito at a coffee shop" Kouji said. "I could invite them over if you'd like" Kouji said. "That we be awesome!" Kazuki said excitedly. "Wait, let's think logically first, would a group of girls enter a house full of boys?" Hiro asked. "Good call...probably not" Kazuki said as he sighed. "Wait let's ask first" Kouji said while looking at Kazuki's disappointed face.

He opened up his phone and texted her.

Kouji: Hey Ito

Ito: Oh hey, what's up?

Kouji: My friends were wondering if you and your friends like to come over to our house for lunch

Ito: Uh, I have to ask

Ito looked away from her phone. "Guys, Kouji invited us to his house for lunch, wanna go?" Ito asked. "Sure! I've been to his house before so I should remember the address" Naru said. "Wait! Are you sure we could trust them? I mean, they are guys after all" Ann said nervously. "I think we'll be fine, plus we could fight them if they do anything, which I don't think they would but yeah" Naru said. "Ito, tell them okay" Naru said as Ito nodded.

Ito: My friends said okay

Kouji: Really that's great see you then.

Ito: Oh, did you change your address at all?

Kouji: Nope, Naru should remember where I live

Ito: Yes she does. So we'll come over at 11 pm, does that sound like a plan?

Kouji: Yep, sounds good

Ito: Alright then, bye

Kouji: see ya

Every day is better with you (Ito and Kouji)Where stories live. Discover now