my favorite kind of books

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I'm going to go into detail of my favorite kind of books and if you know any of this description or you have wrote one please tell me it is hard to find a good one that doesn't make me cringe.

I like boyxboys but not normal boy x boys I like the cute ones where the main character is schizophrenic and depressed and stuff and like he's bullied at school and then some unlikely person swoops to the save BUT THE ENTIRE TIME he is just like 'I'm totally not gay' untill they kiss and he's like 'okay I'm bisexual' that's my kind of story oh and my other top (tøp) story is one where the main character doesn't have any mental illnesses but the he has a interest to a person with Haphephobia but they slowly grow closer and like and they start to like hold hands and slowly but surely kiss and like bam super cute...idk I kinda just have a bxb mental illness fetish thing BC I can like um...relate with them besides the love part...cry........yeah so please...I need more books to read...and if you are like "just make one" are u kidding that's too much work. See I didn't even spell out 'you' .....

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