just realized

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I just realized that I'm doing more stuff and 'over doing it' like I'm going to get get a pet Quaker parrot to have more company and at first I just thought "oh birds are so cool I want one" nope...that's not it...and I want to do gymnastics to fill the time...way to go brain I see what you are doing...oh and my house is SPOTLESS because of me, IM FILLING A VOID I NEVER REALIZED WAS THERE! oh and now that I can't think of anything to do anymore I'm just kinda sitting here in the dark like  WHOA LIFE WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE.....OH I SEE OH MY GOSH COULD YOU STOP FOR A MOMENT WHAT HAPPENED TO THE ME THAT DIDN'T CLEAN AND THE ME THAT DIDN'T ALMOST BLACK OUT AT THE THOUGHT OF SOCIAL INTERACTION HAHAHA NO NO IM FINE OVER HERE....also on another note....this book made it to number 8 in humor the other day I should really just go back to weird quotes and spongebob stuff huh...okay I shall do that

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