Chapter 4

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  • Dedicated to Christopher Eccleston - Ninth Doctor

Here was the next Doctor.

"And you're Doctor number -?"

"Nine. If you want to label me as a number."

"No. I'm going to label you as Ears." Zoe looked at it noticably large ears, smirking. However, the Doctor seemed to be quite used to this and just shrugged. Then Zoe noticed his voice, which had a completely different accent.

"How come you sound like you're from the North?"

"Lots of planets have a North."

"But all of your previous, faces, that I've met sound all posh. La-di-da. Upetty."

"Slightly rude." said the eighth Doctor.

"Is it just me, or is there a big blue time machine blocking our way?" A muffled voice came from the other side of the ninth Doctor's Tardis, and Zoe rolled her eyes.

"Wait a minute, Jelly Baby, I'm sure Ears here will happily move his Tardis." she said suggestively. The ninth Doctor huffed, and reluctantly stomped over to his Tardis. After a few seconds, it began to de-materialise, and the first and fourth Doctor made their way into the kitchen. All four of them looked up as they heard the Tardis materialise upstairs. They ran up the staircase, to find the Tardis in Zoe's study. The force of the materialisation had blown a neat stack of university revision papers right off her desk. The ninth Doctor came out, and looked around at the mess.


"Yeah. Very much oops. You're picking that up later."

"Am I?"


"And what makes you think I'll do that?"

"Well, it would be the polite and nice thing to do."

"Well, maybe I'm not in a polite or nice mood."

"Really, first I find out that I go crazy, and now I learn that I become a rude, so and so." muttered the first Doctor.

"Speak for yourself. If I remember correctly, Susan had quite a bit of trouble with your outbursts of insults."

"At least mine are subtle."

"Subtle!?" They were -"

"Ok! Shut up, both of you. Can you stop arguing with yourselves?" shouted Zoe.

"I was only being honest." muttered the ninth Doctor, not seeming to have noticed or cared that he had just been interupted or shouted at. Zoe rolled her eyes and went over to grab her phone off the first Doctor, who was fiddling grumpily with a little china orament he had found on the desk. She dialed her landline number from it, but yet again it didn't work. And yet again the image had changed. Now, it seemed to be a stick figure with short hair, a floor length dress, and one upside-down triangle on each side, sticking out from the back. The picture seemed to be developing every few minutes. The eighth Doctor peered over an stared.

"Curious. Try dialing again."

So she tried again, but the same image appeared.

"Probably a time limit to when the image changes." suggested the fourth Doctor.

"Have you seen anything like this before, then, Ears?" Zoe directed her gaze at the ninth Doctor.

"Nope. Maybe you should have tried a later version of me."


"Well then, if I'm not needed, I'll be off then. See ya." But before the Doctor could step back into his Tardis, Zoe got in the way.

"No! We might need you!"

"Look, Rose will be waiting for me! I've got to go!"

"You can time travel, for goodness sake! You don't need to worry about being late!"

The Doctor looked defeated. "Worth a shot."

"Maybe if I send the messages again, twice, even futher into mine and the Tardis' future, I can get more of me to turn up. Is that a good idea?"

"Curly, that's awesome. Let's go." So Zoe and the eighth Doctor once more sent a message from the console screen, but this time programmed it to appear twice, once in 100 years time, and again in 200 years time. They came out of the Tardis to hear someone shout.

"I'm the Doctor. Leave this -. Oh, it's the Tardis!"

Zoe and the eighth Doctor rushed out to where the first, fourth, and ninth were already standing in the corridor. This time two Tardis' had landed beside each other. From one, a blonde man, another Doctor, with a white cricketing outfit was standing. He wore a matching white hat, and a stick of celery on his blazer. He had been the one to shout. A few moments later, a head popped out of the other Tardis.

"Allons-y! Right - oh. Hello." This man, presumably also the Doctor, jumped out, looking straight at Zoe, then at all the other Doctors. his gaze finnally rested on the other Doctor who had just appeared. They looked at each other with a little shock.

"You!" they shouted simultaneously.

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