chapter five

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Luke came inside Ashton's room about two minutes late because of traffic, but he was happy to see Ashton. Happy you say? He was smiling as he closed the door behind him. For a minute, he thought seen Ashton too soon after the kiss could be a blow out mind like an argument was going to start soon and they would end up not speaking again, but he pushes those thoughts away, he wanted to see Ashton so badly. He thought about it all day in his job. He was repeating that moment for a while, not that he didn't like it, he enjoyed it. He was starting to have some strange feelings for Ashton. Does this means he's now gay?

No, he couldn't admit it. That's impossible for him. It was just bromance love.

He walked towards Ashton's bed where he found himself a sleepy sweet loving Ashton sleeping. He sat next to Ashton and stroking those blonde looking brown hair. Fluffy and curly.

He placed a kiss on Ashton's cheek as Ashton wakes up slowly blinking several times as his vision starts to clear and seen Luke's blue eyes shinning on the light of the moon.

"hi beautiful" says Luke, as Ashton appears a smile on his face.

"Hi" he says back. Luke pulled Ashton into a tight hug, wrapping his arms around Luke's neck. They stayed that way for a few seconds and pulled away gently back to the bed. Ashton's heart was racing just seen Luke in front of his hazel eyes. He knows exactly what he wanted this moment. Luke hover on top of him. Luke wasn't sure if this was the right moment, same was going for Ashton's mind. Should they?

It's now or new for the both of them.

(A/N): mature context. If you don't like 'sex scene' then SKIP IT !

Luke looked at Ashton's face expressions. Ashton wasn't sure what was going on but he wanted this. He wanted Luke so badly he was 'hungry' for Luke now.

"How are you feeling?" Luke asked, as Ashton just nodded for approval

"M'fine, just.."

"Nervous" Luke says as his hand trails to Ashton's thighs making Ashton feel shaky and a little bit of shyness. Luke placed a smirk on his face and leans in closer as they are one inch away from their lips. Ashton could feel Luke's breath hitting on his lips and chin. He found it hot that he felt his cock growing. He tried to look down to see if any bump was showing. He would feel embarrassed if his boner was poking on Luke's thighs. He hears Luke chuckled.

"Don't be embarrassed babe."

"M'not..w-what if the doctor or nurse walk in like this...y-you on top-" Ashton got interrupted by Luke's lips on his. He couldn't believe what just happened. But this time Ashton is being kissed by Luke.

What's going on? Why is he kissing me? He doesn't loves boys?

Too many thoughts was filling up on Ashton's mind. He felt Luke's hand moving up towards his crotch. Luke heard Ashton moaning in his mouth. It was getting hot in the room. Luke was grinding on Ashton. Moans filling up in Luke's ear as he kisses down Ashton's weak spot.

Ashton placed his hands around Luke's neck for support. "I've always wanted you" says Luke, as the process stopped Ashton looks at him with a blank mind.

"Y-you what..?" Says Ashton. Luke looked down of shame. Why didn't he tell Ashton about it? Oh right because Ashton lost his memory. How would he know? All this memory are coming back right now.

"The reason I didn't say anything is because of..." Luke stopped. He didn't wanted to remember about Jeanale or those voices would come back. He didn't wanted to ruin the moment. He's about to make love to him, or hoping it was going to turn out to be love. "Because..?" Ashton looks at Luke curiosity. This is going to turn out bad..

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