Is this happening? (Part 2)

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I looked into his eyes.. He looked into my eyes, he had his hands on either side of my head.
"Uhhhh, hello sir. Can I help you?" I was looking into my new teacher's eyes (Mr. Jack Stone)
"Oh I think you know you can Mia.." He took a step closer to me and I could feel his breath, omg it smells so good.
"Sorry, I don't know what you mean" I tried looking everywhere except into his eyes.
"Okay, your free to go" He stepped back and opened the door for me. I walked out and ran into the gym for my class. The only thing I could think was, what just happened!?!?!?!

As I finally got into Chemistry I walked in and I was the only there. It was just me and Mr Stone. I went to my seat and sat down and took out my book. People arrived swiftly after and the lesson began, which inside I was rejoicing.
"So Class, today were going to look at molecules and atoms in the Periodic table of elements!" He started teaching and I just tried to pay attention as much as possible. I couldn't help but think about what happened earlier, and apparently neither couldn't Mr. Stone cause he wouldn't stop staring at me. I felt strangely uncomfortable all of a sudden when I felt a strange presence behind me, it was him. He leant down and looked at my work and then walked off. I let out a breath and continued working.

I was ready to leave when the bell went, and I went straight out when the bell went. I went straight to my locker and grabbed my stuff and then I rushed out to my car. I drove along to my sister's primary school and waiting for her, I couldn't help but think about today.

"Hi Mia!" My little sister came up to me and gave me a huge hug.

"How was your day sweetie, did you have a good day?" I smiled and helped her into the car.

As we were driving home all I could think about was how much I didn't want to be in that classroom. We walked in and there was my dad.

"Hey Mia, Lucy!" My dad stood up and came towards us.

" Hey, where the hell have you been? And don't say what do you mean I've been around?". I spat and pushed my sister behind me.

"Oh sweetie you know, I've been busy." My dad looked as his rubbed the back of his neck.

"Don't even try to say that! Lucy sweetie why don't you go up stairs and play with your dolls for a bit okay?" She smiled running up the stairs to her room.

" Where is Kyle? Have you seen him?" I turned back to look at him.

"No, he doesn't know I'm here." I could feel my skin burning

"Well he won't be the only one knowing your back, where the hell have you been? We've been worried, and oh just by the way almost starving." I snapped and he shuttered backwards.

"I'm so sorry darling, Ive been working and I forgot to leave a tip for you guys." I rolled my eyes and walked back."

"Mia, please come on" he walked towards me.

"HEY, you stay away" My brother bursted in and came between me and our dad

"Hey, it's okay. He was just leaving" I opened the door and waited for him to leave.

(Hey! Im back, sorry I've been gone for so long, this story will be continued, I will be doing a new upload every 2 weeks, also check out my other story Hawaii Romance.

Hope you enjoyed xx)

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