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Jack's POV

It's only lunchtime and already I have separation anxiety from Mia, she was perfect, her long hair that went just below her back, her plump pink lips, her sweet caring eyes, her smell. Dang, I need a cold shower. This girl is driving me crazy, I don't know much about her know but I can't wait to find out every little detail, all her flaws and weaknesses, and her strengths and perfectness. She meant everything and I didn't even know why.

Mia's POV

The girls and I were out at lunch, Sandra was telling us about her adventures to Fiji and how beautiful it was and how we all should go there. All I could think about was Jack Stone, how much fun we would have and how much trouble we could get into and-

"UM hello? Mia! Wake up!!" I was shaken from my daydream by the Ali looking at me like I was crazy and Sandra confused.
"Sorry what?" I'm so busted.
"We asked what you have been up to? It's been a bit since we saw you and our ex-professor. Hows that going? Did you marry yet?
"What" I pretend to be shocked, although I was shocked, how did they know.
"Oh please, we know you guys aren't just friends. What's happened?" Ali looked at me smiling raising her eyebrows.
"Okay, promise to keep it low key for a while?" They rapidly nodded their heads.
"Were seeing each other, and we have been more than friends for a while.."
They both shot up squealing, dang I shouldn't have said anything.
"Yes, girl get in. He is a snack!"
"Right? I really like him, he may seem just a typing douche kinda guy, but he is actually so sweet and caring and he is genuine towards me."
 We went on talking for a while before I went home, I need to see my family.

"Hey, Mi ( Mia's nickname)" My dad yelled when I walked in.
"Hey, where are lucy and Kane?" I looked around.
"Oh Lucy is at a friends house for tonight and Kane is getting dinner." 
"Dinner?" I looked at my phone, it was already 5:56 and I was kinda hungry after all that chatter.
"Yeah, we're getting KFC tonight, Lucy likes it better." I nod my head and make my way to my room, I should probably talk to them about Stone (Stone is Jacks Nickname) soon.
I get out my phone and see a text from a "total baby". 
Hey Babygirl, I've missed you all day. I can't wait for tomorrow, am I picking you up at your place? x

Hey, I think that I need to tell them about us, but I don't know how to do it. Maybe we should wait a bit longer, you could park down the road and I'll come to the car x.

I  would love to meet your family, well I know Lucy a bit. I would love to meet your dad xx

I'll think about it, anyways dinner is here. Talk to you later xo

Okay, talk soon baby xx

I put my phone down, I don't know if I am ready to introduce him to my family, I don't even know what we are, we never clarified, and I don't know if he wants a relationship.

Jack's POV

I really like Mia, way more than I know. I am going to meet her family, I know she is nervous. We didn't really put a title on us, but I want her. I want her all to myself, and I hope she wants to be with me.

I fell in love with my teacherWhere stories live. Discover now