About Trust

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Hey guys! so this chapter is about trust, you'll find out (how some human beings really are, what some people want, how to be a good friend....etc) hope you guys like it! and let me know what you think!


When you tell someone "i trust you", it's like putting your heart and soul in their hands. the word trust is another thing that influences on love, the more you trust the more you love. it just produces automatically...

When you trust someone you should know if you are trusting the right person, Because most of the people around you are actually Two-Faced, Their faces are made up of two masks,one of them is made of colorful flowers, the other one is made up of insects, insects that bite you without letting you know.

The first mask is the outer mask, the second mask is the inner mask (their real personality), The second appears when you....Suddenly, wake up and you realize you've been stabbed in the back, Thats when the second mask appears, it was killing you all day without letting you know, you didn't think for once that the person you trust or love could lie to you or consider you as a toy. you didn't think of that because of the love and trust you had in that person, you were just an innocent person looking for someone you could trust, they are the reason why you can't trust ANYONE ANYMORE! because you're tired of being considered as a toy infront of everyone...

Just like cancer, it was traveling through your blood and killing you day by day, until in the end you realize that you have cancer,and that it was killing you,without letting you know.

These human beings are the ones that can live without a heart,they don't have it, it doesn't exist in their bodies. They just think about themselves and break peoples heart to get what they want, they don't have feelings they don't love or care.

they are the ones who fade away and disappear when you need them, not standing by your side. just like the sun, we need it when its night, but it disappears, it stays for a specific time.

we need someone when we are in a terrible moment, because they make us feel better than we were, we need the sun when it's night, because it gives us light when it's DARK...

So try as hard as you can to find that person with a bright face! a person that you can trust, a person that has the key to open your heart and fill it up with happiness. Because finding someone that you can trust is like looking for treasure deep in the ocean.

Why can't everyone be that kind of person that you can trust? is there anything else in the world with a higher value than a great friendship? some people are ready to ruin

a perfect relationship, to achieve something stupid that doesn't even mean anything, For example: money.

everyone say that with money you can buy everything and do whatever you want to do, but can you buy Love,or trust?

I think that everyone should know that money doesn't mean anything to a person that loves and cares about his friends and family because he has already got what he wants, having your friends that believe in you and friends that you can trust is like having a room full of pearls and diamonds. Some boys might buy diamond rings for their girlfriends to show them how much they love their girlfriends but if a girl loves truly and has a simple heart, all she would want is for him to show and prove how much he loves her, not by buying a diamond ring, but by saying words that will boost up her love level.

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