Our Dreams

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This chapter is about (Dreams), the main things in this chapter are:

what dreams are, what to do to make them come true, how we imagine dreams...etc 

Everyone has a dream that wants it to come true, everyone has a goal that wants to achieve it, each and one of us has planned our dreams in our minds, we have imagined it. Dreams are gardens we build in our minds, we plant colorful flowers in them, we imagine butterflies surrounding the flowers and protecting them, each flower is a different  goal we want to achieve, and to do that we must first protect it, so we are the butterflies, protecting the flowers.

 all of this isn't reality, we are just imagining, that is why imagination is something great, we can create our lives the way we want to, we clear our way or road from stones and sand. But when we come to reality, we need weapons to protect our dreams and achieve our goals, and when these weapons are not available, the flowers in the garden will die, and the butterflies won't have the strength to protect the flowers, because the weapons aren’t available.

We do our best to make them come true, and we might think of it as an easy task to complete, we have the basic things needed, but if you're living in a country or in a place who does not care about your talent, if you don't have anyone  who respects and cares about your dream and talent, and if you don't believe in your talent and not working hard, then you haven’t got the weapon to achieve it or protect it, but being strong and loving what you do, and most important believing in your talent and not letting anyone destroy it, protecting it, is an important weapon needed, and that weapon will make it come true one day.

But we shall always remember that everything happens for a reason, and that we have to work hard to achieve what we want. Dreams are hard to make them come true, isn't it hard changing something from imagination into reality? It's like making monsters exist on earth, actually doing that is impossible, but there is a possibility for achieving your goal, and making your dreams come true, dreams are sensitive, just like a girl, if you give her roses each day, her love for you will increase much faster than giving her a flower a week, so are dreams the same, the more you look for ways to make it come true, the faster it will come true. 

believing in our talents, loving our talents and dreams, working on what we love, wanting our dreams to come, will make them come true one day, just keep on fighting for it! 

But one of the most important things  is to remember that dreams are bright colours in our future, and that we shouldn't let anyone change them from bright colours into black and white, we should fight for them and protect them because in the end dreams are the once that provide a good place for us in the future.

dreams are magical thoughts, dreams have the power to change the future, dreams are big and valuable imaginations. But to some people dreams are nothing but just something ridiculous, they don't know that dreams build the future. if a kid has a dream, they consider it as nothing, they think that he/she is just a kid, but a kid can say things someone big cannot, they also have ideas and they also have dreams that wants them to come true, a kid can also influence on the future, so why not give them a chance too?.....because in the end, we all want a peacful world, and we all want to be the reason of a peacful world.

And most important thing is that, DREAMS DO NOT DEPEND ON THE LOOK, if someone wants to make someones dream come true, they might make it come true because of the look someone has, but people should look at the beauty of the talent and the dream someone owns inside themselves, not outside themselves! we all are equal, and we should be treated equally...


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