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Hi everyone, this chapter is about death, in this chapter i have described the feeling of when someone you love dies, how death is nowadays, and much more!

 "DEATH" This word with only 5 letters, gives us fear, a kind of fear we never want to feel nor want to see it happen, we never imagine it happen one day, but there are some times we think of it very clearly as if it is happening for real and we suddenly wake up from that imagination, and never want to think of it again.

This fear is a kind of fear that when it happens, it forms a scar on our heart that never leaves, this kind of fear isn't like being afraid of the dark, because there comes a time where darkness doesn't last forever, but death does last forever, there might be fire, or anything else that has light to brighten the room, so there is a solution or a way  for removing the fear of darkness, but why being afraid of death isn't like being afraid of the dark?... the reason is because there is no solution nor a way for removing the fear of death, it happens so fast, faster than opening and closing your eyes as usual. Death can happen at any second, even if you don't have any diseases. God is the one who created us, and god is the one who will also take us back.

This strong word is an influencer on everyone, and might let us do thinks we never thought we could do them. Knowing that someone who completes you is gone and will never return, is like watching stones fall from the sky instead of rain, it is like having the right medicines for curing the disease but not using them, and it is like wanting hell instead of heaven.

When someone you really loved dies, sometimes is the reason why someone decides to kill themselves, they think that they will be in peace, they think that they can hold the pain, but if they use their brains for one second, they will realize that the one who died, would not want you to kill yourself and would want you to stay strong and keep on smiling, and would you do the things that make them happy or sad? if you really loved that person, of course you would want to make them happy no matter what happens, patience and strength will let you do the right things.

Try to use those two things, not just because of the one who died, but because of the ones around you. There is no way for removing that obstacle or the sign formed on our ways to the future,  we will always remember them in the future one day, we might forget about it, but there will be things left on earth that will remind us of them, that will make us remember the amazing memories we had with them, we might even miss the bad times too, but no matter how those moments were, happy, sad, full of stress, exciting, boring, full of anger, we would want them back, even for only one second.

death is something really big, because when it happens, someone is gone and will not return, in these years death has been like cold & flu, people are killing each other like it's LEGAL, when it isn't, and the most horrible thing is that they might kill each other because of money or anything else, but no matter what the reason is we shouldn't do that, unless you are defending yourself or your family against someone who wants to kill you or wants to do anything else, which is ILLEGAL.

everyone is thinking about themselves and nobody else, where is their heart or brain? i think someone without them does things like that, it's like someone has changed their hearts into stones, because they are too hard, and doesn't contain any kindness in it, and it's like their brains are made of insects, because they don't think at all.

people react different in situations, some people might kill themselves because someone they loved is gone, some people might take drugs, some people stay strong, and some people might forget about everything, but no matter what they do to forget them, there is always something that reminds them of the ones who are gone.

we should all know that in the end we all are one and we all are human beings, and that we are equal, and  nomatter what happens we should stay strong!   

Hey guys! let me know if there is anything else i can write about! :)   

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