Close Your Eyes (Boy Next Door)

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You closed your bedroom door quietly, hoping that no on in the house would wake up. It had been such a long, typical stressful day, and you wanted nothing more than sleep.

You stepped to your window and saw Harry in his room across the street. Ironically you saw him pick up his phone and a second later your screen lit up with call from him. He stepped to his window as well, and you looked at each other while leaning on the window sills of your rooms.

"Hey love, long day?" He said deeply.

"As always."

"Wanna do something? It's Friday night and I don't have plans."

"I'd love to Harry, but I should be getting some sleep."

He pouted at you from his window, then smiled, winked, and hung up. Harry left his window and a minute later you saw the street lamp gleaming off of his brown leather jacket. He climbed up the same tree by your window that he had ever since you were little, and stuck his head through the window. "Did you order a cutie with a side of sweatpants?"

You smiled as he came through the window. You couldn't resist, so you went to your closet and pulled on Harry's hockey hoodie. Harry was a forward for your school team. People at school always joked that you and Harry were dating, but that wasn't really the case. Neither of you really wanted the relationship label because what you had was already so special without it. Harry was yours, and you were Harry's. Anything other than that was completely unfathomable for either of you.

Out of routine, you cuddled into your bed next to Harry. He was of course wearing sweats and a black shirt that was soft. Your fingertips loved it. Harry tightened the blankets around you.

"I'm too tired for talking tonight, Harry." You yawned.

Harry pulled you closer to his chest and played with your hair. "Just close your eyes, darling." He softly sang your favorite song so close to your ear that you could feel his lips. Before you drifted off to sleep, you felt a gentle kiss mark his love for you upon your skin.


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