Unraveled Infinity (Secret Agent)

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You sat in the cold metal chair, entangled in rope that burned your skin without movement. You squinted at the bright light that deafened your vision.

"Tell me.. If you could only pick one life, what would you rather? Your life up to the gunshot, or your life afterward?" The sly masculine voice spoke from the darkness.

At first you didn't understand the seemingly idiotic question. Of course you wanted your old life back. In your other life, you had friends and did well in school. You had dreams and ambitions. You had a family. Then you thought about it more, and it wasn't actually as perfect as your memories had perceived. Your father was never around since he basically lived in his office and didn't give much time to acknowledge you. Your mom was normally too busy gossiping with her book club friends that never read, or she was jetting off to some city, to some restaurant, with someone you probably didn't know. You shook your head at my horrifying thoughts. You loved your parents because they were your parents. Other than knowing our relation, you didn't know much about them, although maybe one day you would have known them, if it were not for the post smoke of a fired gun, or the man who asked you a mind manipulative proposition. If it weren't for the night that changed everything, maybe you would have eventually been granted with a memory of your parents telling you that they loved you too. It wasn't your parents fault or even your own. The man took more than your family from you; he took the time you could have had.

You thought about your new life as well. In the beginning, you ran on the fumes of diminishing happiness that you had spent almost endless hours building for yourself. You did not have anyone to share your self prosperity with so you figured you had plenty to last your lifetime. You were wrong, because your created smile was blindly counterfeit. It took a very special person to show you that, and replace what you had known with the truth. You had always thought the truth was supposed to hurt, but in this case, actuality was an improvement.

"Why are you smiling?" The voice harshly asked a second inquiry.

The grin etched on your face was subtle but serial killers have to consistently search for detail. Maybe it was because you were terrified, but you could not help it. It took a cold blooded murderer to allow you to realize you had found love for the first time in your life.

You heard a heavy door open and close somewhere to your right, a look of shock replaced your inappropriate expression of hope. The man with the questions released a laugh that made you physically shiver. Another man fell to his knees in front of you with his wrists tightly bound in front of him.  When his face gradually lifted to meet your eyes, you felt the chilling sensation of your burning tears. Harry's face before you was discolored with bruises and it appeared to be painful for him to breathe. Pieces of his messy hair curtained soulful eyes that glistened in selfless suppressed worry. You began to reach for him but the coarse rope denied your attempt. If you had continued to live your original life, you would never have come to know the green glimmer of Harry's eyes that were undeniably your favourite color. For a moment, your mind almost fell absent to their endeavoring reassurance.

The man continued to snicker while giving loud orders to those who must have been around him. Your tearful begging transformed into screaming pleas. You never broke eye contact with the innocent boy in front of you. You were petrified for the lead touch that would close his eyes forever. You had so much to tell him but time was over. There were many things that Harry probably already knew, but words that even so, were essential to cross your lips. You briefly tried to imagine your universe without him, and you couldn't do it. He deserved a long life full of lovely conversations over hot chocolate and times when he could stay awake all night silently admiring the infinity of stars. Harry deserved everything you couldn't give him.

Your captives stood behind Harry so only you could see the nightmare of destruction that came next.

It was not the bullet that you saw, but instead the boy who had an undying twinkle in his eye, mouthing silently:

"Only us."


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