A Thousand Questions Pt 1. (Frat Boy)

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You suddenly came to terms in that exact place in time that you should have been anywhere else but that damned frat house. It smelled of hormonal sweat, the stickiness of mixed alcohol, and the thick fog of weed. You wanted to breathe deeply to clear your mind, to close your eyes and maybe it would be a dream. It wasn't a dream, and there was no fresh air to be found. You felt suffocation entrap you. You began to feel faint, and not in control even though you hadn't been drinking nor smoking. You stumbled backwards into an empty hallway and opened the second door on the right. You stepped inside of the room and your hands came to your face as you asked yourself so many questions.

"Why am I here?" "This isn't me, why did I try to make this me?" "Whose room is this?" The last question was answered by the silhouette of a tall boy blocking the doorway.

"What the hell are you doing in my room?" A deep, thick accent asked.

"I'm sorry I'll go." You said shaking slightly.

"I didn't say you had to leave." The light from the dimly lit room caught the dimple of a smirk.

"Maybe I should be going." You tried to get past him, but he filled the doorway.

"You can if you want. I don't care. I was about to watch a movie, so if you'd make up your mind, that'd be great." He said nonchalantly.

"I um.."

"You're worried... and it's not because of me. I know what it looks like when people are scared of me." His voice trailed off, "Why aren't you scared of me?"

"I'm too worried about everything that's happening out there. I'll deal with this one problem at a time, and you seem like my smallest problem so far tonight." You said surprisingly confident to him.

He stifled a smile by looking at his feet and clearing his throat. "Movie it is then. I'm Harry, welcome to my crib I guess. Don't touch anything or you're out."


"I know. You sit three seats ahead and one to the right of me in History. For the amount I've showed up, I've noticed you. You're smart, have a shitty boyfriend, and have an agenda with a thousand sticky notes inside. Sometimes I wonder what fills your agenda so much, but I never expected that, maybe only for a few hours, it would be me."


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