Distress Call

203 9 2

18 years Old
Valencia, Spain

Sipping wine at my veranda while watching the vast land of the Meyers and the neighboring estate, I can't help but let out a deep sigh.

For the years I spent stsnding here at looking at the same thing, it never occurred to me that I would want to cross the property line and be on the other side of the fence.

My son..is out there.

I laughed bitterly.


I have a son and I can't even call him mine. I will miss his first step, his first word and his sweet smile.

He'll grow up not knowing about me. I'm very positive that there will be time he'll stare at the sky and wonder why is he the only one without a mother.

He'll grow up asking himself what did he do for his mother not to want him.

Sounds familiar?

That boy will grow up just like me.

Hating and vowing to get even for the pain he felt all his life.

I winced at this realization. But there is no other way. I can't mother a child. I don't know how to and it's too dangerous.

"Master Arya." Logan's worried voice snapped me out of my trance. "A call from the Philippines."

"Who is it?" I asked calmly despite the anxiety inside me.

"It's Miss Nicole.. Your sister. I believe it's about Señora Lea." He answered.

I snatched the phone out of his grasp and press it to my ear.

"It's me." I asked, my voice rasp and a bit shaky.

"Ate, si mommy. She's in the hospital. I know I should not be calling this number but Ate, I don't know what to do. Dad is not around. I cannot contact him.. And lola is on vacation--"

"Hey, Nics. Slow down. Take a deep breath.. And tell me exactly what happened to mom." I interjected.

I hear her deep breathing on and I know she's on the verge of tears if not already crying.

"Mom, fainted. And I don't know why. Can you come, please?"

Shit! We're thousands of miles away. How can I get there the soonest?

What if it's just a bug? And nothing serious?

Either way, she is my mom and whether or not she needs me, I should be there like she has always been there for me when I needed her most.

"Alright, Bec. I'll be there."

I turned my head to face Logan who is standing rigidly a few feet behind me.

"Prepare the jet."

"Before I do that, Young Master. Please be reminded that the Seven Mafia Families meeting will be held tomorrow morning in the Valencian HQ."

Damn it! I completely forgot about that.

"Connect me to Australia, I need to talk to Nigel."

Within a minute, I am now connected to one of my security personnel in Australia.

"Go to the Philippines. Find out what happened to Lea Salonga and if it a must, stay on the hospital and assist Nicole Muhlach. Tell her that I sent you."

"Would that be all, Master Arya?"


When I put down the wireless phone, I slumped on the couch and closed my eyes.

This is all I can do for now.

Bec said that Dad is not with them. Where did he go and why he can't be reached?

I tried to think of a reason why Dad left them but assuming that he and mom had a fight doesn't make sense, cause even if they did,  he won't leave just like that.

I massaged my temple hoping this analysis will go away and I could think of a better reason why.

But the most important question is, what happened to my mother? She is not the type of person who would just faint.

She maybe in her forties but she's still young and healthy. So what could have happened?

"Master Arya, incoming call from De Cordova Mansion." Logan came back panting and handed me another phone.


"Dash has been crying nonstop. His nurses did everything to soothe him and make him stop crying."

"And you expect me to offer you a solution?" I asked disbelievingly. "I have to admit, I don't know anything about babies and motherhood. And we both agreed that I will have nothing to do with him. You're his father, make him stop."

I hung up and threw the phone on the wall.

After a few moments just when my breathing started to get even and the throbbing of my head eased, my personal mobile vibrated inside my pocket.

I groaned with the screen flashed, Unknown Number.

"Meyers." I said formally expecting to hear one of the five family heads but my annoyance instantly returned when Wolfram's voice came through.

"You have to come. Whether Dashiel needs you or not, you have to come here. You're his mother, it was in the contract that whenever you are called for his sake, you will show your fucking stoic face!" Wolfram yelled.

Gone is cocky man who brought nothing but bad luck to my life. All I can hear now is a desperate man.. No, desperate father who is trying to help his son.

With a sigh I whispered, "Alright, I'll be there in while."

Two desperate calls.

The first one I cannot respond immediately but the second one, is the opposite.

"Logan, prepare the car. We're going to our neighbor's house." I said.

"As you instructed, Master Ciel." Logan said and with quicl movements, already on the door. "And one more thing, Master Ciel. Your cousin, Elena Duncan extended her gratitude for granting her pardon and letting her out of jail."

I nodded. That was the plan.

I've released her not because I already forgiven her but also for her brother who continues to serve me for her sake.

Well, it's Elena's turn to offer her indentured servitude.

I know just what to do with her.

To be continued.

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