Awakening to You

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Mitch's POV

It's 10 am and I awake, my vision is blurry but I manage to see Scott's silhouette standing by my side.  I gain focus and I realize he has been shaking me slightly and calling my name to wake up.   It was as if my senses had been shut down. "Ok ok I'm awake. " "Oops sorry Mitchie didn't mean to piss you off, it's just that your temperature is rising." "You have to take your medication," he says with worry in his tone. I can tell I've had a fever, for many reasons one being; having had that crazy and unreal dream, and the fever would explain why my face was burning the whole time and why I had such a massive headache. " It's fine Scott," I say taking the Tylenol and a glass of water. I struggle to sit up and all I really want right now is to go back to sleep and to be consumed by the errotic dream once again.

I know that won't happen and so i just sit there gathering my thoughts and trying to compose my posture. Scott looks at me,"man mitch you look really bad maybe we should go get you checked up. You aren't getting any better." I manage to say how dare you insult the queen." trying to sound funny I fail because I am still so groggy. "I don't need to go to the doctor it's just a bad cold, you don't have to worry about it scott. " I really sound drunk drunk right now

" I do have to worry about you Mitchie, you are my friend and the person I care about the most in my life." My mouth opens just a little and I almost blush. I think to myself No no no Mitch don't be stupid he dosn't like you, he is not saying he loves you, Scott is simply saying he is your friend. Scott smiles and I smile back at him. My hand is at my side and haven't realized that Scott has been holding it, once I realize it a spark of energy flows up my arm, which causes my hand to twitch and I subconsciously squeeze Scott's hand. He looks down at our hands and raises an eyebrow at me. "Sorry," I say shyly. "It's ok mitch it dosn't bother me.

"Mitch?" " Um what were you dreaming about?" This time I do blush and unlock our eyes from each other. I fidget with my fingers and bite my lip. Scott is staring at me with curiosity.  "Well why are you asking me this? "I say warily. "We'll because your breathing was rather erratic," he chuckles as he saying this, " and you we hugging your pillow." I look around the room anywhere except in the direction of Scott's eyes trying to think of something to say. I finally look at him rolling my eyes and say " Scott please I'm sick as hell, obviously I'm not breathing well." "So that's why you go to your pillow for comfort?"he says teasingly. "Gosh Scott don't be so jealous of the pillow." He gasps," Well now that I think of it I am," he says leaning in towards me. He kisses my forehead. I blush but i don't think he notices anymore because my face is red from the fever anyway. "What are you doing Scottland?" I raise my eyebrows smiling, and our faces are only inches apart. " I'm simply checking your temperature," he says with a smile. "I think a thermometer would help because my temperature will not go down with you kissing me Scott." "I kissed your forehead Mitch, not your lips," he says biting his lips. "I know, so imagine if you had, I'd be dead right know." Are you accusing me of making you sick?" Scott says.  I think to myself yes very sick, lovesick in fact.  "Yes Scott I am," I say winking. We are both looking at eachother now emotionless not knowing what is going on, is It the summer heat, the fever? What is making us act like this? My hand is sweaty in his and his in mine but we don't dare let go.I know Scott does not love me in the manner I wish he did so why is he toying with me? I sigh he is simply just bored of having to take care of me and so he is making fun of me in my sickness.

Scott's POV

I'm staring at mitch trying to show no emotion but I'm kinda happy on the inside because I know that he was in fact dreaming about me, at least I think so. His breathing was erratic and he was mumbling and bitting the pillow at the same time, and I swear he was saying my name.  At one point I could see his erection growing from under the covers.  I only hope that dream was about me. But I know I could not make Mitch feel like that.

I decide to scoop Mitch up and take him to the living area where I have left his breakfast for him and I turn on the T.V. "I made you breakfast mitchie." He smiles and says " I'm not that hungry." " Mitch you have to eat something you are sick and you can't have an empty stomach after taking a tylenol." " I'll feel you if you want? feed you I mean."damn my words just spill out my mouth. Mitch's eyes light up and he smiles trying to hide it. " I approve of you to be worthy of feeding the queen, he says quite arrogantly." I laugh out loud cause I can't take Mitch seriously with his I'm a queen attitude.  His brow furrows and he says " I can always change my mind and have you tied up." I lay him on the couch and crouch over him " tied up for you and only you baby boy." I feel so controlling and I think it's because I want Mitch now that he is laying there on the couch with glistening eyes and full red lips. Biting my lips I say in a hushed voice "Mitch this sick look works on you, and I'm totally digging it."

"You suck when you try to be sexy with me Scott, face it only women like me have that disarming power." I laugh" I know I know ". I lean back away from mitch and sit across from him at the other end of the couch my back against the arm rest. I signal mitch to come over and he sits between my legs his back against the couch so that my chest is against his shoulder. I hand him a warm cup of coffee.  With a smile he takes it and starts drinking. I feed him some pancakes and eggs too. His fever has gone down and he snuggles into my arms and I cover him with a blacket. I'm so tired from staying up all night and watching over Mitchie not takeing a second to blink once. However I know it's all worth it because even though I am not able to win Mitch's love,I know I gave him all of mine.

He guys it's me! I hope you liked part 2. This part is leading up to part 3 and 4 which are going to be super intense. I'm really excited for this. Oh and also for some reason i am unable to post comments. so don't think i ignore the comments you all post i love what you all have to say and so if anything I'll talk to you through messages cause apparently that seems to work:/. Thank you guys. SCOMICHE 4 EVA!!! Oh also Avi Kaplan's Birthday is next Thursday. Lol I love him too. I recently went to a PTX concert in march so yea. K guys bye I'll post more soon ttyl.:) ♡♡♡

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